A Savior is Born

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"Yes, Harry is what we're calling him."
"May I?" Silvia reached out for the sleeping newborn.
"Of course," Lily said as she passed the baby.
Silvia studied Harry's face. "He's beautiful," she said. "Just like James, only not..."
"What do you mean?"
"Only I wouldn't hit Harry. I might hit James."
Lily laughed. "I would too. Try living with him."
The pink parlor was brightly lit by a big window. Callisto rolled around on the plush pink carpet, playing with a stuffed rabbit.
"She really is a charm," Lily admitted, watching the girl crawl.
"Do you think they'll be friends?" asked Silvia, still studying Harry's face.
"Oh, I'll make them be. We can schedule loads of play dates when he's older. I'll tell him, 'Harry, you be nice to Callisto at school.' I promise you, they'll be best friends."
"Thank you, Lily." She passed the baby back.
"So," Lily began. "What's going on between you and Sirius?"
Silvia raised an eyebrow. "Nothing, last time I checked."
"Oh, c'mon," she begged. "Nothing at all? Just two friends raising a baby?"
"Well, Remus is helping."
"Remus is helping when he's not off being a you-know-what."
Silvia sputtered. "How do you know about that?"
"James tells me everything."
"James should tell you that Sirius and I are strictly friends raising a baby." Silvia crossed her arms.
James suddenly appeared with his friends. He was showing off his new home.
"Wow, Prongs, this is amazing," Peter exclaimed. "I wish I had a place like this. Usually, I just sleep in an old boot."
James spun around to stare at his friend. "That's weird."
"How's it going in here?" Sirius asked. Callisto reached for him.
"Harry's sleeping," Lily explained as Sirius lifted Callisto. "Where's Remus?"
Sirius looked around. "I think he had to go to the loo."
Remus stood alone awkwardly in the kitchen, listening as his friends spoke. He needed a moment alone. At home, everywhere he turned, he would see it: Sirius holding that baby, playing with her, feeding her. Just thinking about it made Remus blush. It's too damn cute. Quickly, he pulled out a scrap of paper and a quill from his pocket and scribbled down a couple lines.
I see her in your arms
And, oh, do I wish it were I instead.
The lines were horribly cheesy, but every line counted. For the past eight months, Remus had been creating the ultimate poem to reveal his true feelings. He and Sirius lived in a different world that he was finally ready to accept. His feelings had grown too strong that he could hardly contain his excitement for when he'd finally finish the poem. It was almost as ridiculous as his conversation cards, but it had ten times the value, and fifty times the emotion.
Yesterday was a different day
How I wish I could turn back time
And change my reaction
For I fear that I have lost you...
Remus crumpled the paper into his pocket quickly as Sirius stepped into the room, carrying Callisto. "Ah, there you are, mate. Number one or number two?"

"She loves you."
Sirius bounced Callisto. She laughed and leaned her head on his shoulder. "Finally someone does," he joked.
A knife sliced through Remus's heart at the sound of Sirius's witty remark. "Marlene does," he said softly, heartbroken.
He sighed. "We can't decide on a wedding date. She wants summer. I just want to do it whenever we can."
Remus's face dropped. "Whenever you do, I better be there."
Callisto reached out for Remus, as is she sensed his pain.
"Of course you'll be there, Moony." He let Callisto fall into Remus's arms. "Now come on, James and Lily just had a baby."
"I know," Remus said, following Sirius back to the parlor. "I can't believe they made you Harry's Godfather."
"Shut up."
Lily and Silvia appeared distraught when the two entered the parlor.
"You don't think-"
"Silvia, please, I don't want to think about that. He's just a baby."
"The prophecy specifically mentions a boy born at the end of July this year. The only two that I can think of are Harry or Frank and Alice's boy."
Lily held her baby close. "My son will not be risking his life. I won't allow it."
"But what if?"
"Now, Silvia," Remus said, hurrying to Lily's side. "There's no need to scare her."
"I'm scared, Remus. We're all scared. Everyone here is holding out for a hero. If Harry can defeat you-know-who... just image. We'd be free. After all these years, Remus."
He looked down at her with a haunted face. "I'll never be free."
James suddenly hurried to stand in front of Remus. "That's enough of this talk. Earlier today, Lily told me that she wanted to go grocery shopping. I'll take Harry. She can go out with one of you."
Silvia shot up from her chair. "Ooh, Remus and I were supposed to go shopping later. She can come with us."
"Wait," Sirius said, disappointed. "Silvia, I love shopping at the muggle stores. Were you two going to go without me?"
She gave him side eye. "Perhaps."
"Fine, whatever. I'm staying here. You three have fun."
"Will do," Silvia said as she prepared the floo powder.

"I can't stand muggles sometimes," Remus said. "This strap on baby carrier is awful. I feel so ridiculous wearing it."
"You look like a cute ol' dad, Rem," Lily reassured him. "And Callisto sure is having a blast."
"I just need flour. Where's the flour?" asked Silvia frantically as she searched up and down the aisle.
Remus cleared his throat. "We're in the dairy section, Silvia."
"Of course." She grabbed onto the cart and slowly pushed it down the next aisle, scrutinizing each shelf for a sign of flour.
A couple of muggles gave the three a sideways look. Silvia picked up on it instantly.
"Can you believe them?" she hissed. "So what I'm eighteen and I have a baby that I raise with my brother and his friend? Don't give me that look."
"Woah," Remus said. "You really are on edge. This prophecy thing really has you messed up, huh?"
"Let's not talk about it."
"Agreed," Lily said. "Look, flour."
"Excellent." Silvia quickly snatched the bag off the shelf. "Let's get the bloody hell out of here."

James had started a fire in the parlor's fireplace when the others returned from the grocery store.
"Have a seat," he said. "Harry's fast asleep and safe, I promise."
Lily sat on his lap. Silvia and Remus sat on a couch next to Peter. Sirius quickly hopped between them and put an arm around one of each.
"I'm going to act like I'm not hurt or offended that you didn't invite me to the grocery store," he said softly.
Remus put his head of Sirius's shoulder. "You like to shoplift, Pads. Muggles really aren't okay with that."
They sat quietly for some time, the weight of the world on all of their shoulders.
"I took my love, I took it down," Lily sang. "Climbed a mountain and I turned around."
James cleared his throat and continued. "And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills."
"'Til the landslide brought it down," Sirius sang
"Oh, mirror in the sky what is love?" asked Remus, continuing the song. "Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changin' ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life?
"Well, I've been afraid of changing cause I've built my life around you," Silvia sang and smiled at Remus.
"But time makes you bolder," they all sang together. "Even children get older, and I'm getting older, too."

Silvia and the Rising Moon [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now