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Mr. Pixis' office was quite awkward.

Remaining tense, Eren sat down stiffly in one of the arranged chairs in front of the principal's desk, keeping his posture poised as much as possible; mainly so his head didn't drift down to prompt his nose to start bleeding again. Plus, it added a more mature effect, so that was obviously a good thing.

Thomas was directly beside him, his arms crossed over his chest and an angered expression on his features. He looked furious, and Eren felt rage of his own build up within him, yet it slowly started to diminish.

Once it did, it was replaced with guilt. Maybe Eren should have left Thomas alone. He obviously needed space, and Eren was always the foolish type, so naturally he didn't grant him it. His stomach twisted with remorse and he had the odd urge to apologize, but he figured Thomas wouldn't like that too much.

Also, his pride was stopping him . . . As much as the words longed to form on his chapped lips, he couldn't bring himself to say them. That made him ashamed, to realize he was that caught up within himself, but he still did nothing to quench his selfish actions. He just . . . Let everything unfold.

"So, Mr. Yeager," Mr. Pixis began, sitting down in a chair of his own. He rested his elbows up on his desk, looking perplexed as he glanced between Eren and a fuming Thomas. "I understand Mr. Wagner attacked you. Why, exactly, is that?" He seemed genuinely curious, and Eren swallowed before answering.

"I-I, well . . ." Silently cursing himself, Eren cleared his throat. He was always so confident and outgoing, why did he crack under pressure? That wasn't like him. At all. Digging his nails into his palms, he steeled his unnecessary nerves and explained stiffly, "We were discussing Mina Carolina's death, sir."

"Oh. I see," Mr. Pixis murmured, turning even more grim. The wrinkles formed on his old face seemed to deepen as he glanced at Thomas, who met his gaze with a glare. "Mr. Wagner, I understand your emotions over Ms. Carolina's death, but that is no reason to take your feelings out on a fellow student; a fellow friend. It stuns me to see your violent behavior, and honestly . . ." Mr. Pixis looked at Eren, who stared back at him in thinly veiled shock as the aged man went on.

"Really, I was expecting Mr. Yeager to fight back. He usually does. Right, Mr. Yeager?" Mr. Pixis prodded, and Eren swallowed before nodding. It was true. In elementary and middle school he used to get into psychical — and verbal — fights all the time, sometimes every other day. It got really bad, but no one made the final push to expel Eren since they saw some kind of 'potential' in him.

And maybe Eren's mother had pleaded as well as reasoned financial-wise with them to let him stay . . . The point was, Eren got into all sorts of trouble, and usually emerged out of it with little to no consequences. This streak even lasted in high school, though Eren was smart enough to avoid the nurse's office and public areas, refusing to make the skirmishes too mainstream. So it was a natural shock to Mr. Pixis, considering his records and all, to see Eren not put up a defense.

Why didn't I fight back? Eren wondered. Perhaps a part of him was too startled by Thomas' outburst to properly react. Or maybe, he just genuinely didn't want to fight someone who he had considered — did consider — a friend. Though when he thought of Jean, that reasoning slightly faded.

Mina . . . Maybe it was Mina who made him falter. They had been discussing the effects of her death and just her in general. Was that why he made no move to protect himself or fight back? It was a valid answer, and he tried picturing Mina's reaction to his and Thomas' — more like Thomas' — fight.

For some reason, he imagined her not being too pleased. He could almost perfectly visualize her worried expression, hear her anxious and accusing voice in his ears. It made him feel strangely squeamish.

Belly lurching, Eren had the desire to close his eyes. He wanted to apologize to Mina, to tell her he was sorry. Sorry that her life was cut short. Sorry that all the potential she held vanished, while Eren was given countless second chances. She didn't even make a strike one, while he fired countless of them. Yet he was still standing and well, while she was six feet under . . . Or, more specifically, in a morgue.

However, Eren was given little time to ponder further as Mr. Pixis announced, "Mr. Wagner, you will be suspended for one day, and your parents shall be notified. You can see if any of your teachers will give you your work for tomorrow beforehand. If not, then you will wait here for a ride home immediately."

"Whatever!" Thomas snapped sourly. "I don't give a shit. The teachers, you, and Eren can all fuck off! You stupid assholes don't know a damn thing! Yet you always act like you do. Bull. Fucking. Shit! You all make me sick, disgusted!" His voice cracked as he said more quietly, "I just want Mina." Mr. Pixis' strict façade flickered briefly to softness before hardening. "I know, Mr. Wagner, and I am deeply sorry. But please, watch your language," he said.

Silence. Thankfully. Eren stood up as Mr. Pixis did. "You may leave now, Mr. Yeager. Either back to Mrs. Ral or to your next class," he stated, writing a pass. He handed it to Eren, who accepted it with a mumbled thank you.

Staggering out of the room, Eren let the door slide closed, but just before it shut he let his eyes catch with Thomas' hazy ones. They met for a fleeting moment before Thomas broke the connection.

Little did they know, this encounter would be the last they ever had with one another.


(A/N: So how are you all?)

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