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"Eren, darling, I have a surprise for you!"

A . . . Surprise?

Looking up, Eren stared incredulously at Levi, who gave him a beaming smile. Eren cringed at the gesture and quickly averted his gaze, his heart hammering in his chest as Levi made his way towards him, slowly and steadily.

"Come on, mon amour, look at me." Levi's tone was soft, but there was a clear command in his words. Eren already knew Levi was mad at him so he sucked up his pride and lifted his head, sending Levi a piercing glare.

It was then Eren got a good look at Levi, and he noticed the splotches of red staining Levi's clothes. His eyes widened and he flinched away, pressing himself up against the headboard of the bed. What . . . ? "W-what h-happened?"

"This?" Levi pointed towards the blood drenching him and shrugged. "Just the aftermath of me taking care of a problem." As Eren stared at him in confusion, Levi sighed and waved his hands around. "My uncle," he explained.

"Your . . . Your uncle?" Eren clutched his wounded arm close to his chest and swallowed. "What did you do to him?" Eren looked at Levi, but he was pretty sure he already knew the answer. He didn't want to, but he did.

"Oh? Well, I killed him, of course."

Heart plummeting, Eren squeezed his eyes shut tight. Why hadn't he heard anything? Why hadn't he stopped Levi? Had Levi's uncle, Kenny Ackerman was his name was it not, had he been killed all because . . . All because of Eren?

Shit. Eren was going to throw up.

"Why?" Eren asked finally, and Levi huffed, shuffling closer to sit down beside Eren, who recoiled. At Levi's withering expression he stopped, frightened of what might happen if he continued to draw away. Since he knew Levi was a killer. He could not deny it, he would not deny it, his Levi was a monster.

"Because he was getting in the way," Levi said. Eren froze, remembering him saying the same words about Armin, poor Armin who had done nothing at all besides be a good friend to Eren and a good person to anyone he knew.

"Getting in the way of what?!" Eren shouted, his anger breaking through. It was going to get him killed, but he didn't care. Let Levi kill him the way he had killed everyone Eren loved! Let Levi do whatever he fucking pleased, because he just always did that anyway! What an arrogant asshole, what a damn psycho.

"Of us!" Levi retorted, his voice raising, too. "Do not yell at me, Eren!" Eren felt his rage flare, felt the urge to curl his non-wounded hand into a fist and ram it straight into Levi's pretty face, felt the urge to make him suffer.

"Fine." Eren's voice fell and he forced himself to laugh. "I'm sorry, I'm supposed to apologize aren't I? Like I'm the one who killed everybody?" He laughed again. Levi clenched his jaw and grabbed onto Eren's cheeks.

"I didn't kill everybody, Eren. Some deaths weren't my fault," Levi snapped. Eren stared at him and spat, "Don't say it wasn't your fault! You killed my father, which made Dina get pissed enough to kill my mother! Because of you she's gone, don't even try and pretend that it wasn't your fault! Even if you hadn't known what would happen, you would have pulled that shit anyway, right?"

Right, you asshole?

"Yes." Levi's face remained stoic, and Eren's lips curled back into a snarl. He wanted to launch himself at Levi and pummel the shit out of him, he wanted to make Levi pay for everything he had done, he wanted to kill him—


What am I thinking?!

I'm not a monster like him!

I told myself, I can't be like him!

I could never kill him, never!

Never, never, anything but killing again, anything

"Just shut up," Eren whispered. Levi hummed and shook his head. "I don't think so. You don't get to tell me to do anything Eren, especially after that shit you pulled earlier. Right now, you need to do exactly as I ask — or else."

"Or else what? You'll kill me?" Eren looked Levi in the eyes and laughed at him. "So scary," he giggled. "Hey, could ya kill me like you killed your uncle? Looks pretty fucking bloody." Eren laughed again, harder this time.

"Now look whose joking about murder." Levi's tone was flat and unamused as he went on, "No, I would never kill you! However," he stretched nonchalantly and stood up, smirking as he said, "I would kill all of your precious friends."

Laughter fading immediately, Eren narrowed his eyes. "You wouldn't dare," he muttered. "Watch me," Levi spat. "I killed Armin, Mina, and Thomas, did I not?" His smirk widened and Eren sent him a venomous glare.

Fuck . . . He's not bluffing, I know . . . Fuck!

"Fine." Eren grit his teeth. "What do you want me to do?"

"Help me." Levi turned and walked towards him, grinning.

Frowning, Eren muttered, "Help you with what?"

Levi's grin expanded. "Help me dispose of Kenny's body."


(A/N: when you're going insane and your bae is only fueling it)

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