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The next day, Eren had to go to school.

Carla made him go because he had ditched the day before. She helped him cover up the bruises on his face with carefully addressed foundation, and she told him that if anyone asked, to just make up a believable excuse.

The whole situation filled Eren with dread and unease. Moving was a slight problem since his body still ached something fierce. To add onto his troubles, he had gym to go to, and there was no way he would be able to exercise.

To help him, Carla wrote him a pass, lying and saying that Eren was experiencing some troubles functioning due to his limbs being sore from some broken bones he had attributed a while back. It was all false, of course.

Though Eren did hurt all over. As long as he didn't have to run, he was fine. Walking to school with Mikasa at his side was perhaps just as straining, however. She still expected an apology, this time for the marks on him.

Thankfully, Carla had covered those up with foundation, too. She hadn't asked him much about where he got them, just questioned him on whether they were applied with consent. He told her they were, and she let it go.

Luckily, she didn't ground him, either. Truthfully, Eren would have been livid if she did. His phone was his strip of contact he had with Levi out of school; so basically, his life-line. If she took it away after all of that, it would kill him.

Silence stretched over him and Mikasa as they made their way to school. Eren tried not to walk with too much of a limp, and he felt like he was succeeding quite well. The painkillers were taking their toll, and he was grateful.

"Is that it?" Mikasa finally spoke as they neared the building in which Eren so dreaded. He turned towards her, assessing her with tiredness. He really didn't want to deal with her, not after everything that had happened. It was too much.

"Yes," he stated simply, moving past her to enter the school. Students flooded the hallways already, and he soon lost Mikasa in the crowd. He was relieved for that; he did not want to put up with her relentless nagging.

Right as he was approaching the hallway to his locker, someone crashed into him, knocking him down. For a moment, pain shot through Eren. The bruises were still quite fresh, and definitely did not appreciate being irritated.

Grimacing, he sat rigid on the floor, his whole figure thrumming with agony. He honestly thought he couldn't get up, and the person who had knocked into him had already vanished into the sea of people without so much of a sorry.

Asshole, Eren thought.

For a moment, Eren's head rang. His ears were buzzing, and the clamor all around him felt too overbearing. He was beginning to freeze up when someone halted in front of him, extending a hand out towards him welcomingly.

Relieved, Eren quickly took it, slipping his hand into a much paler one. He wanted to smile as Levi hoisted him up, supporting him as he stumbled. "Woah, there," Levi said, and Eren could have sworn he detected some worry.

"You okay?" Levi inquired, and Eren laughed. He was on the edge of going into hysterics before he stopped himself, controlling his outburst and nodding. "Yeah!" He lied with forced cheerfulness. Levi frowned, seeming to not believe him.

"Sure," he said skeptically, pulling him gently towards his locker. He had to practically guide Eren, who nearly tripped over his own feet with each step. "What's wrong with you?" Levi demanded once they were in front of the closet.

"Nothing!" Eren reassured him, forcing a smile. "I just fell, and I'm still sore." He continued to smile, and Levi skeptically narrowed his eyes. "Of course," he hissed, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "You fell. Of course."


Levi was smart; he was catching on quickly. Eren knew that Levi would figure out something sooner or later; or maybe he already did. He was growing nervous as he hastily entered his combination, opening his locker.

Trying to ignore Levi's presence, he got his proper books and materials ready, balancing them in his hands with a barely-noticeable wince. Levi studied him cautiously, his scrutinizing gaze piercing into Eren.

"I really do hope you aren't lying, Eren," Levi whispered in his ear as he leaned towards him. Eren glanced at him and swallowed, shaking his head. "Of course," he mimicked Levi. "Of course not, Levi." He kept smiling.

"Wipe that smile off your face," Levi instructed. "It's fake and fake-ness doesn't look good on you." The smile dropped instantly, and Levi hummed. Eren turned away from him. "I'll see you later," he said, walking off urgently.

As Eren disappeared, Levi remained where he stood, frowning. Something was definitely up with Eren, and he was going to find out what. Whether Eren liked it or not, Levi was going to unearth everything.

And if he found out that someone had hurt his Eren . . .

His hands clenched into fists, and Levi grit his teeth.

Just imagining someone setting their hands on Eren . . .

Hurting him . . .

Rage poured through Levi.

I'd kill anyone who dared.


(A/N: Surprisingly my stressed out (|-/) mood is helping me write, so I'm just gonna keep doing what I'm doing. :/ hopefully all my problems will be fixed soon. I pray. Anywho, I'm wondering: should I make a playlist?

It will be a collection of songs I mainly listen to while writing this story. I figured if I create a playlist you guys'll be able to listen too and it might help settle the mood of the chapter or whatever. Your thoughts?)

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