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Entering the living room, Eren squeezed his eyes shut briefly, leaning against a wall for support as his legs wobbled. The reek of blood was gradually getting to him, and he became all-the-more aware of the red staining him.

However, he had no time to take a shower. As much as he wanted to, he had to get to Levi. And truthfully, he didn't want to stay in the house for too long.

Heading towards the front door, he managed to avoid the pools of blood and peeled off his socks, which were coated thickly in crimson. He then tugged on his black Converse, typing them up hastily and quite clumsily.

It felt weird wearing shoes with no socks, but at the moment he had bigger things to be concerned over. As he glanced back over his shoulder, his gaze rested onto his mother. His heart dropped and he felt his tears rising.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, turning away. As he did, he glimpsed Dina. He grimaced. She was a mess; her face was completely ruined and unrecognizable, and she had multiple gaping stab wounds. Eren felt sick to his stomach.

Snatching up the key to the house, he clutched it close. Exiting his home, he felt a weight descend onto him, pressing heavily on his chest. He was abandoning everything he had held dear, everything he knew.

But what other choice did he have?

Turning, he shut and locked the door behind him, knowing it would probably be the last time he ever came into contact with his home ever again.

Pausing, he took a brief moment to pull up his hood and remove his phone from his backpack, zipping it back up quickly. He then glanced at his recent texts. Levi had sent him his address, and luckily Eren knew where he lived, though he still went to his GPS for support, just in case he got lost or made a mistake.

He started to walk. Soon his walk turned into a jog, then a run.

He was running as fast as his legs could possibly carry him. He did not dare use his mother's car. It would be too risky. The police would be able to track him down if he used her car, plus he didn't really know how to drive, anyway.

As his GPS gave him instructions, Eren focused on his breathing. He kept it as even as possible, though it was becoming increasingly difficult. He felt his lungs rattle with each passing second, and his head swam with stress and exhaustion.

His backpack felt like a ton of bricks over his shoulders, and he had to pause multiple times to rest. Finally, when it felt like he could no longer walk, his GPS told him he had arrived at his destination. Relieved, Eren collapsed.

Panting, he looked around. He had entered a trailer park and in front of him was a dingy-looking gray trailer. He swallowed, glancing down at his phone. It told him to go towards it, so on shaking feet he did as he was ordered.

Stopping in front of the trailer, he was relieved to find that there were no cars in the driveway, though he had already been told by Levi that no one but him was around. He hurried towards the porch, reaching up to knock on the door.

Only, before he could, the door swung open and he was greeted by Levi, who looked him up-and-down with raised eyebrows. A look of worry passed onto his features. "What happened?" He demanded. "Are you hurt, Eren?"

Wordlessly, Eren rushed into his home, urging the door shut and locked tight behind them. His hands were shaking as he slipped his phone back into his backpack before letting his bag fall from his shoulders. He took a deep breath.

When he tried to speak, all that came out was a sob. Levi moved towards him, gently pulling down his hood since it was covering most of Eren's face. When he saw what was underneath, his eyes widened and he looked surprised.

For once.

"Eren," he demanded more firmly. "Talk to me, Eren!"

"I killed her!" He cried out, his hands flying up to clutch at the sides of his head. He let loose a hysterical laugh. "I killed her because she killed Mom!" Tears rolled down his cheeks in waves and he slowly sunk to the ground.

"You . . . . Killed someone?" Levi asked, shocked.

"Yes!" Eren snapped, looking up sharply. "I stabbed her over and over and over and over and I watched the life drain from her eyes! I killed her!" He was trembling uncontrollably as he laughed again, harder this time.

"I suppose you'll turn me in to the police now?" He said. "Go ahead. I won't stop you, and I swear I won't hurt you. I just needed somewhere to stay for a little bit. And I'm sorry, I really am. You must think I'm some freak. I killed someone. I'm a monster. I'm just like Thomas . . . Oh God. I'm so sorry, Levi!"

Levi crouched down, grabbing onto Eren's hands and holding onto them tightly. His eyes were shining with a strange glint, and he smiled. The gesture shocked Eren, who blinked through his tears, sniffling as he gaped, stunned.

"Of course I don't think you're a monster. And of course I'm not turning you in to the police. We're in this together now, Eren. I'm glad you came to me. Don't worry. I'll protect you. Everything is going to be just fine," Levi said.

Levi's smile widened.

"I promise I'll protect you from the world, Eren."

"As long as we both are alive . . ."

"I will protect you."


(A/N: insert that one meme: tHERE HE IS, THERE HE IS)

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