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When Levi came home he smelled like perfume.

As he walked into the room, Eren was instantly slammed with the reek of cheap strawberry fragrance and he wrinkled his nose. He doubted it was Levi wearing that shit, so it could only mean one thing: he was with a girl.

Or a boy, anyone could wear perfume but it was most likely a girl.

Eyes darkening slightly, Eren felt himself getting jealous even though he did his hardest not to. He tried time and time again to remind himself that Levi was no good for him, and it didn't do him well to be in love with him, but—

He couldn't stop his emotions.

So the words came naturally flowing from his mouth, a glare settled down on his face as he snapped, "You ditched me to hang with some girl?" He could feel the pent-up anger simmering within him, and it frightened him a bit.

"No. I had to go to school," Levi explained. He seemed a little surprised at Eren's sudden behavior, but he didn't protest against it. In fact, he looked quite content, and obviously smug. It was clear Levi just adored a jealous Eren.

That only pissed Eren off more.

"School. And at school you met this girl. Did you have fucking sex, you look trashy enough to have just rolled out of bed!" Eren hissed before his eyes widened. Realizing what he had said, he slapped his hands over his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry," Eren stammered, but Levi just smirked.

"Glad to see you care about me so much, mon amour. But no, I did not have sex. I would never cheat on you. Or lie." His eyes darkened a bit and he sent Eren a pointed look as he said the last sentence. Eren glanced away, flustered.

"Whatever," he muttered.

"Hey, it's just for a little while," Levi soothed him. "I have a plan." His eyes had lit up now with a devious glow, the cunning psychotic glint that Eren had become accustomed to, easily being able to pick apart and recognize it instantly.

"And your plan is?" Eren demanded, and Levi grinned. "In motion," he replied smoothly. When Eren gave him a frustrated glower, Levi added, "You'll find out soon enough. Just wait a few more days, and it'll all be clear."

"Fucking — whatever." Eren didn't know why he was in such a bad mood, but he knew it had to do with the fact that Levi had left without saying goodbye and returned hours later reeking of some stupid slut because of some plan.

"How about we get you something to eat." Levi sounded amused, and Eren merely shrugged, his lips sagging in a scowl — but to Levi, it looked more of like a pout. It was adorable. Seeing a fully-fledged jealous Eren was cute.

"Come on. I'll even unchain you, as long as you promise not to try anything," Levi went on, and Eren perked up slightly. "Really?" His eyes were bright with hope, and Levi liked that expression on him, so he nodded and smiled.

"Really, Eren."

"Okay. I promise," Eren muttered. Levi nodded and leaned towards him, fishing something from his pocket.

It was a key.

The key.

Seeing the key, Eren felt flashes of memories fly through his brain. They were blurs, but he could distinguish the key, that one golden key. The key that was literally the key to the survival of humanity, the key which led to his basement—

"I need it!" Eren cried out.

At that point he didn't really know what he was doing, he was just lunging forward towards the key. Levi was clearly startled for the key slipped from his grip, and he let out a curse. He obviously thought Eren meant to escape.

Instead Eren just clutched the key close to his chest, which was rising-and-falling rapidly. His fingers were trembling as he held on tighter, so tight that his knuckles turned a snowy white shade, his eyes as wide as saucers.

"He told me not to lose it!" Eren cried out. Tears gathered in his eyes, from what or why he didn't know, he couldn't remember, why couldn't he?!

"We need to go!" Eren rambled. Go where, go where, where . . . ? Eren, where?! Think, think, remember! Then it hit him. "We need to find my basement!"

Levi was staring at him with wide eyes, and Eren looked back at him, the tears rolling down his cheeks. "L-Levi," he gasped out. Another word was on his tongue, there but he just couldn't reach it, he still couldn't remember

"Eren," Levi whispered, and then he was hugging him as tightly as Eren was holding the key. Eren sobbed into his shoulder, holding him like he was a lifeline. It felt like Eren's mind was falling apart, ripping open at the seams.

There were memories brushing beneath his brain, memories he didn't recall ever having in his lifetime, but things he still remembered. And he could not place his finger on the exact point as to what happened, or when, or anything really it just all came in surges and he felt so lost and hopeless, and hope

"Agh!" Eren let loose another sob and Levi held him tighter.

"Oh, Eren . . ." Levi murmured. "You really are mine."

"My Eren . . ."



1 — I REACHED 300 FOLLOWERS!!! Holy shit, thank you guys so much! I'm so grateful to you all for reading this and possibly following me. It means a lot to me that you found me interesting enough to click that little 'follow' button. I'm so glad I have 300 buttercups! I love you all! :")

2 — I have seen many, MANY other authors do this, some from tumblr, some from archiveofourown and some from Wattpad. They go on Instagram and do livestreams where they answer questions from readers.

So would you like me to do it?? I want to. It just depends on if you all have Instagram or not. If you do, then tell me in the comments yes or no. Me live-streaming would let you ask me questions, and I would answer them.

Im honestly hype for this *screams in gay*)

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