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WARNING: Abusive and triggering content.


"Mommy told me to never, ever talk to you. She said you'd hate me. She said you'd also give me these," Zeke continued, pulling up his sleeves slowly.

Eyes widening, Eren stared down at the marks littering Zeke's arms. His skin was patterned with black-and-blue stains to his usual pale flesh, and it made Eren sick to his stomach. When he saw burns, which were bright red and blistering, on Zeke as well, he felt the need to throw up. Who would do this?

Grisha would.

The thought made Eren swallow, and he was reminded of his own horrors from before. His heart gave a violent pang as he choked down the hard, solid lump in his throat. "I would never," he said firmly. "I promise, Zeke. I would never, ever."

Blinking, Zeke sniffed, smiling even though he seemed to be in visible pain. "I know," he mumbled. "That's why I went up to you." He paused, glancing around warily as he hurriedly continued, "My Mommy hates you and your Mommy. She says she wants you dead, and I know 'dead' means gone, like Dad . . ."

Stricken, Eren could only listen, frozen in place as Zeke spoke. Everything was crashing down on him all at once, and he was finding it hard to keep up. The fact that Zeke's mother, the blonde bitch as Eren labeled her, wanted him and Carla dead didn't surprise him too much. He was more concerned over Zeke.

"I figured," Eren murmured. "But Zeke, tell me. Who did that," he gestured towards the wounds on Zeke, "to you? Was it Dad? Was it your Mommy? Also, do you know your Mommy's real name?" He asked everything in a huge surge.

Dazed, Zeke hesitated, thinking. He then replied, "Dad didn't do it often. Only once, and that's because I argued with him after spilling one of his bottles of beer. Mommy is the one who does this the most. Dad actually likes me." Zeke grinned, though it faltered as he glanced at Grisha's coffin. "Or, he used to . . ."

"My Mommy's real name is . . . Um . . . I only call her Mommy . . . Or ma'am. Although other people call her Dina. Dina Fritz," Zeke finished, and Eren nodded, soaking up the information. So the blonde bitch was named Dina.

Dina Fritz.

"And you're positive that your Dad is the one in the coffin?" Eren pressed.

"Positive," Zeke confirmed.

He smiled, reaching out tentatively to touch Eren's face, surprising the older boy. "I know for a fact that Dad is gone," he said. "He's dead. And he's right here, beside us. His corpse, at least. But at least I have you." His smile widened.


Stunned, Eren slowly placed his hand over Zeke's, surprised at how soft his skin was. He kept his hand there for a while, just staring at Zeke, unable to form a proper response. How was he supposed to react, though? He had a brother.

Gradually, tears began to form in Eren's eyes.

They soon started to spill down his cheeks, and Zeke seemed alarmed. He rushingly wiped them away, though his efforts did little to stop the steady progressive waterfall forming. "I'm sorry," Zeke apologized. "Do you not want this?"

"No," Eren gasped out. "No, Zeke. I do want this. I'm glad I have a little brother. I just wish . . . I wish things were different. I wish your Mommy wasn't the way she was. I wish you didn't have to go through all this . . . Like I did . . ."

"Don't worry, big brother," Zeke told him, smiling again. Eren was surprised at how much he could smile, even in terrible situations. "I came to you because I had faith that you would not hurt me, and I was right. I have hope," he said.

"Hope that you will save me. Help me. I betrayed my mother, I know that. By telling you all of this, I could really hurt her. But I just . . . I want her to feel some of the pain, too. Does this make me a bad person? Probably . . . I just do not want to hurt anymore, big brother. So I will betray my mother . . ." Zeke whispered.

"You were never supposed to know this. Any of this. But I told you. And I do not regret it," Zeke murmured, and Eren frowned as he saw Zeke begin to cry, too. "You deserve to know the truth," Zeke stated. "You deserve to know everything."

Leaning forward, Eren gently removed Zeke's glasses to clean the lenses off with his shirt. He then wiped away his younger brother's tears with his sleeve, his movements delicate. He then carefully placed Zeke's glasses back on.

"Thank you, Zeke," Eren said, throwing his arms around his brother.

"I . . . I love you," he whispered, and Zeke clutched onto him tightly.

"I love you, too," Zeke replied, and he sounded happy.

Drawing away slowly, Eren took a deep breath, looking into his brother's eyes.

"I will save you," he vowed.

"I'll come back for you."

"I promise!"


(A/N: HOLY SHIT A TRIPLE UPDATE ???? wOaH. AND AN EDIT AT THE TOP?? Hot damn. Anyway yes I just wanted to say thank you all for 33K reads <333 also, could you check out the recent post I made on my message board, and vote? please? Thanks)

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