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"Look, Eren, I'm so sorry."

Blinking, Eren looked up at Levi with wide eyes. He had been involuntarily slouching in on himself, and Levi seemed to notice this, for his enraged features softened and now he looked genuinely apologetic. Like he had regrets.

"I completely overreacted," Levi went on. He made sure to give Eren a wide berth, like he was some injured animal. Eren continued to soundlessly stare at him, waiting for him to proceed. So Levi did. "I didn't mean for any of this."

"My behavior was utterly unacceptable. I should never have grabbed or kissed you like that, or spoken to you in such a way. I've just been really stressed recently, and seeing you with Jean made me irrationally jealous. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do this to you. If . . . If you want to break up, then . . . I'll understand . . . Or maybe you can find it within yourself to forgive me . . . It's up to you," Levi finished. He seemed sincerely apologetic, his dark eyes having lightened considerably.

"O-of course I forgive you," Eren stammered after a moment. His thoughts were racing, conflicting with each other. Should he forgive Levi, or break up with him? It was a difficult decision, one he had to actually consider.

The way Levi had behaved scared Eren. He was truly afraid, and that was what set him off the most. He didn't want to be frightened of Levi.

However, he also depended on Levi. His boyfriend was his lifeline. When no one else was there for him, Levi was. Imagining Levi out of his life seemed impossible. A world without Levi was like living in a complete hell.

Although relying so much on Levi was hell, too.

"Thank goodness," Levi breathed. "Again, Eren, I'm so sorry."

A moment of silence passed.

"You do forgive me, right?" Levi whispered.

"Y-yes, Levi. I . . . I forgive you."

Relieved, Levi extended his arms. "Hug it out?" He asked, trying to joke. Hesitantly, Eren crept into his arms and they hugged, Levi wrapping his arms around him. With Eren's back to him, Levi was able to let loose his smirk.

Pulling away, Levi frowned instead and said, "How can I make this up to you?" Eren paused, considering. "Cuddle with me for the rest of the period," he suggested, and Levi nodded. "Certainly," he agreed willingly.

Sitting down with Eren halfway curled up on him was like paradise.

And having the brunette forgive him after that little stunt was even better.

When the bell rang, signaling the end of their free period, Levi reluctantly woke Eren up from his mini nap, knowing that if he let him sleep more and throughout the rest of the day it would only fuel to Eren's anger with him.

Departing with the brunette was difficult, but Levi let him go. For now.

Watching him walk away, Levi exhaled heavily. He would have to be more careful in the future. To snap like that . . . It was a bold, risky move. He had to be clever. If he was going to make Eren permanently his, he had to make sure Eren didn't get suspicious of him and flee first. Otherwise, nothing would work.

Meanwhile, Eren trudged towards his next period, his footsteps heavy and his mind buzzing. Should he still trust Levi after all of that? The dark-haired boy had gone through quite the episode, and it unsettled Eren.

Though, Levi had said he was majorly stressed. And if Eren had seen Levi hugging another guy — which was admittedly doubtful to ever happen — he would be extremely jealous, too. Would he have reacted so over-the-top, as well? Maybe. He could never truly predict his — or Levi's — behavior.

Kissing him so roughly was probably Levi's way of assuring that Eren was still his. That Eren still liked him, that Eren was still dating him. Levi probably didn't mean to bite Eren's lip so hard — no, actually, he had said so.

And grabbing onto Eren so hard was most likely an accident, as well. He only did that to assure Eren wouldn't leave him. He had been desperate and afraid, so his emotions took control like they did sometimes with Eren, and he didn't quite realize his own strength. Eren exhaled heavily, understanding now.

Levi had followed him silently to the bathroom maybe to surprise or scare him, and when he had seen Eren and Jean hugging, he just overreacted. Everything was blown out-of-proportion because Levi was already stressed and couldn't handle losing Eren. That was it. Eren smiled slightly. Of course he could forgive Levi for that.

Only, half of that wasn't the case at all.

Walking into his next class, which was literature, he was greeted by Mikasa at the door. She looked at him briefly before her eyes narrowed upon his bruised lips. Eren ducked his head, not wanting an argument — not now.

Sitting down at his desk, Eren got out his notebook and a pencil. For once, he was ready to pay attention and take down notes. Anything to distract himself from Mikasa, who was scrutinizing his every movement; like a hawk.

Gradually, she made her way over to plop down in her usual seat beside Eren. Her gaze was sharp, accusing, as she stared at her childhood best friend. "Again?" She asked simply, and Eren risked a brief glance up at her, swallowing.

"What do you mean?" He asked with fake obliviousness. Mikasa rolled her eyes. "I'm not stupid, Eren. I can see your lips. They're terribly bruised. And this isn't the first occasion." She scowled before saying, "At least you didn't ditch this time." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Just . . . Do me one thing, alright?"

"Okay . . ." Eren agreed hesitantly, arching an eyebrow.

"Be careful," she said firmly.

Taken off-guard, Eren slowly nodded. He glanced down at his arm, which had already started to become purplish-blue due to Levi's strong hold. Gulping, he reminded himself that it was accidental before looking up again.

"Of course," he told her with a smile. "I won't get an STD, Mikasa."

"Yeah, yeah. That's not really what I'm worried about," she grumbled.

"I just want you to be careful, Eren."


(A/N: tbh if this wasn't my story I would be spamming the comments with 'EREN NO GTFO HE'S NOT GOOD FOR YOU' because damn editing this I am shocked to see just how manipulative Levi is. I mean, I know I made him like that, but still . . . *sighs and takes a chug of coffee*)

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