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The two spent the rest of the day mainly sleeping, though they did eventually have another round of love making, which set Eren's whole body on fire, tingling with pleasure and nerves. It was the best feeling in the world.

As of current he was curled up in Levi's strong embrace.

Silence, a comfortable kind, was stretched out, and Eren did nothing to break it, instead opting to merely rest his head on Levi's broad chest. His eyes were closed, exhaustion tugging at him as he struggled to stay awake.

He knew Levi must be itching to take a shower — they were still dirty, after all. But Eren was far too sore to move properly, and all he wanted to do right now was stay curled up with Levi and keep him as close as possible.

Eren emitted a soft hum as Levi's fingers gently wove through his hair, making his lips stretch into a lazy smile as he enjoyed the pleasant tickling sensation. If he was a cat, he was certain he would be purring from Levi's touches.

For a while they remained intertwined, and Eren was content. Then a voice crept up on him. You're sleeping with a serial killer. What's wrong with you?

Nothing is wrong.

Levi is a monster. He killed Armin. And you slept with him? You're insane.

No . . . No . . . Stop it. Armin will come back in another life!

He's still a killer! You both are. You're fucking stupid and crazy!

Eyes flying open, Eren pressed himself closer to Levi for comfort. "Levi," he whimpered and Levi glanced down at him. "Eren," he said, looking concerned. "What's the matter?" Eren looked up at him tearfully.

"Nothing . . ." He forced a smile.

Idiot, idiot, idiot. Have you forgotten everything that made you human just because you remembered your past life? You need to escape, get out, leave him!

I can't! I still love him. We had sex! We're bound together now!

No you're not. You made a horrible mistake. You should be ashamed. You let your past feelings take over your present ones, and now look. You slept with a damn serial killer, the man who ruined your life. Are you satisfied with yourself? Huh? Are satisfied, Eren?!

Stop it!

How do you think your mother would feel? To know you're fucked-up, a psychopath and a serial killer. Better yet, you slept with the man who eventually led to her demise! Nice one, Eren. Do you want a fucking gold star? You're so damn gullible. How pathetic!

Just be quiet . . .

No. I cannot be quiet. Do you think this is a dream, Eren? It's not. You need to make up your mind. One minute you're like your past-self, completely loving and devoted to Levi. Then you're your present-self, scared of him and wanting to leave. What's wrong with you?

Nothing is wrong! I love Levi and I'm not leaving. If I left, I'd get thrown in jail. Levi is protecting me. He made mistakes, he killed my loved ones, but they'll come back. In another life. I know that for certain. So just shut up already!

Naive, naive, naive. If he does this now and you let him get away with it, what is stopping him from just repeating the same process? Knocking off those you care for, one-by-one. Ah, Eren, you really are fucked. So foolish. You've developed some kind of Stockholm Syndrome.

Enough. Enough! This is my life. Get out of my head!

I can't get out. I am not a mere voice. I'm you.


Right now you are acting and thinking so much like your past-self, he has taken over. You are forgetting your present-self, which is me. Eventually we will mold together and become one, and my voice will most likely either fade or become more dim. But . . .

For now I will try to get you to your senses.

You're not making any sense. Just get out and stay out.

If you keep saying that, then I will have to. Just stop and re-evaluate your decisions. Do not make me leave. Do not make me blend together with your past-self, for then you will lose sight of who you really are. You will lose yourself in more ways than one. You . . .

You'll lose yourself to him. To Levi . . .

You know what? Good. I don't care. Just get out and let my thoughts be normal!

. . . As you wish . . .

Eren gasped as his eyes flew open. His chest heaved up-and-down rapidly and he sat up. Levi, who had been dozing beside him, looked at him worriedly. "Eren, are you sure you're alright?" He asked, and Eren forced a smile.

"Yes, Levi. I promise I'm fine . . ."

Eren paused for a moment. Had that voice just been a dream? Yet for some reason, it felt far too real to have been just a simple illusion.

However, no second-voice entered his mind.

If his past-self and present-self had come together fully, so be it.

Eren accepted it, and whatever madness that came with it.


(A/N: HI I'M A L I V E. Sorry for my inactivity, the 23rd was my birthday so 😍👊🏻 also uh finals are kicking my ASS I took my Spanish speaking exam and passed it but I know imma fail my math so uh WHIP

Anyway uh yeah if I disappear just know there's a 99% chance I'm still alive. That 1% is the rare chance that I actually died, which would be the case if I don't come back or update ever. But anywho uh enjoy!

Love ya, buttercups ❤️❤️❤️)

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