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After a while, Eren fell asleep in Levi's embrace.

He felt safe in the boy's arms, and he was already so tired, so he simply let himself slip away tucked in the warmth of Levi's strong hold. As he slid into slumber, his last hazy thought was I can picture being like this forever.

When Levi noticed Eren asleep, he had to stifle another smile. He stayed with the brunette for another hour, unwilling to leave him. They were curled up together in their own little world, and Levi never wanted the moment to end.

The only reason Levi got up was because he heard footsteps approaching. The annoying arguing of Grisha and Carla had stopped, and Levi figured Carla was coming to check in on her son. So, as carefully and quickly as possible, Levi left.

Blinking open his eyes in the morning, Eren was disappointed to find Levi gone. He knew it had to happen, but he missed the Ackerman's presence. Getting ready for school since it was sadly a Monday, he decided to text Levi.

To: Levi
5:31 A.M.
Hey Levi. Thnx for staying with me ysterday, i appreciate it :) <3


Right as Eren's fingers pressed send, he felt queasy. Did he have to add the heart at the end? He chewed nervously on his lip, his heart racing as if he were running a marathon. What if Levi was freaked out by the affection?

Oh no — he thought, only to have his focus snap to something else. Eren's phone had buzzed, signaling he had gotten a response back.

From: Levi
5:32 A.M.
No problem, Eren. Anytime. <3

Fuck me gently with a chainsaw! Eren thought. A wide grin appeared on his face as he stared at the heart on his screen. Who knew such a little thing could make him so happy? He felt like squealing childishly just looking at that symbol. His stomach churned and he felt a faint blush rise to his cheeks.

Does Levi love me? A part of him wondered.

Wha — what?! Another retorted. No, don't be silly, Eren. Of course not . . .

Why was he so disheartened by the prospect of Levi not loving him?

Ignoring the painful pangs vibrating through his chest, Eren hurriedly typed a response, doing his best to not make any errors in spelling.

To: Levi
5:34 A.M.
See you at school, Levi.

Instantly, Eren got an answer.

From: Levi
5:34 A.M.
See you, brat.

Shutting off his phone, Eren started to actually prepare himself for school. He exhaled heavily, his chest tightening — but this time in a bad way. It wasn't because of Levi. Instead, he felt torn-up over the fact that he would once again be starting the routine of walking to school without Armin. Only Mikasa.

Trying to prevent himself from slipping into a sulk, he chose his clothes for the day and tugged them on, not really caring about his appearance until his mind flashed to Levi, and his cheeks tinted red. Okay, maybe I should care.

Going into the bathroom to observe himself in the mirror, he shut the door tight behind him, locking it for good measure. With Grisha in the house, he became extra-wary. Since his father had a habit of not knocking when coming in.

Sighing, Eren studied his looks in the mirror, frowning at himself. He didn't really like looking at reflections much, yet here he was. He remembered seeing his and Levi's reflections in the pond at the park, and his heart fluttered.

Eren was so . . . Bland. He simply wore plain dark blue jeans and a regular black polo. And his eyes were so odd, this shade mixed between blue and green. Perhaps that was the only unique thing about him. As he tried to fix his messy hair, he scowled at himself. Like any poor soul would ever take an interest in me, he remarked.

Especially someone like Levi.

He's so much better than me.

With his perfect black hair, gray eyes, pale skin, and handsome face . . .

He'd get all the girls and guys, like flies caught in a web.

Me? Eren sighed. Not so much.

Levi is just . . . How can someone be so flawless?

It's like he's this perfect person . . .

God, everything about him is just . . . Agh!

Eyes widening, Eren looked down in horror.


His knees felt weak as he took a deep, quivering breath.

Gripping onto the sink to support himself, he squeezed his eyes shut. Fuck!

A loud bang sounded from the door and Eren jumped, grimacing as he did so.

Turning, he peeked open his eyes to see the doorknob wiggling. A moment later Grisha hollered, "Hurry up! I don't want to wait all day!"

Muttering an okay, Eren glanced at his reflection in the mirror once more. His cheeks had turned to a flaming shade of red, and his heart was pounding achingly fast in his chest. He felt himself flush even darker, peering downwards.

His pants had grown awfully tight, all because of a particular something . . .


(A/N: Two consecutive updates because I feel like I've been neglecting you potatoes. ❤️ Shout-out to @Gray_Fiction. Again sorry if the tagging isn't working properly. :// thank you for all of your support! <3)

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