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WARNING: Abuse. Do not continue if you are not comfortable.


Horrified, Eren could only stare at his father.

What had happened to the caring, loving man he once knew?

Was he ever even there?

No. Because he had scarcely ever been around.

Isn't this behavior to be expected?

"You're terrible!" Eren choked out, and Grisha chuckled dryly. "I know," he said simply, and Eren attempted to pull away from him, only to get a punch to the face. Carla screamed as Eren toppled to the floor.

"Leave him alone, Grisha!" She pleaded, and Eren could hear her sob through the ringing in his ears. His eyes trained onto Grisha's feet as the man came into his view. Eren attempted to sit up and fight back, but he was knocked down again.

"Shut up!" Grisha snarled, and to prove a point he kicked Eren, causing the brunette to gasp as he clutched feebly at his stomach, tears already rising to his eyes. It hurt so much. He figured he was weak for being so fragile.

The tears broke free as Grisha dealt another blow, all while Carla was screaming in the background. Meanwhile, Eren feebly raised his arms over his head, frantically trying to shield himself from the repetitive hits and kicks.

Suddenly, they stopped, and Eren hesitantly peeked open his eyes, which he had squeezed shut. Looking around, he saw that Grisha had hit Carla again. She had apparently tried to stop her husband from hurting Eren.

Mom, Eren thought blearily, trying his best to stand up. He only toppled back down again, a wheeze escaping him from the effort. Everything hurt, and his jaw felt like it was on fire, as well as his cheeks and the rest of his face.

His whole body ached and thrummed with pain, and he wanted nothing more than to curl up into himself and cower. But he had to be strong. He had to fight. So slowly, he crawled towards the counter while Grisha was busy with Carla.

Leaning up against it, he made another attempt at standing; only to fall back down again. He hissed out in agony at the protest in his sore and throbbing limbs, but he forced himself to keep going. He had to be strong.

Eventually, Eren was close to succeeding. So close, until Grisha noticed him and punched him in the stomach, causing him to choke and collapse. The pain he felt was intense. He had been in fights before, mainly with Jean or Armin's bullies, but never in one with his own father. The pain he experienced was emotional, too.

Slumping down, Eren did his best to stay conscious. He was strong. He had to be, for himself and especially for his poor mother, who was a crying wreck on the ground, shaking as Grisha loomed formidably over her.

"Stupid bitch," he shot at her, making a point to spit on her. Eren wrinkled his nose in disgust, thrumming with fury. "Hey, asshole," he gasped out, tasting a metallic tang in his mouth after speaking. He assumed it was blood.

Immediately, Grisha's attention snapped towards his son, who glared back at him. Eren tilted his head upwards, his vision blurring slightly as he saw Grisha start towards him. "Please, Grisha!" Carla cried. "He's our son!"

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