Siren L.H

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My dad loved fishing, so, for his birthday this year, for some father-daughter time together, he rented a sail boat for us to go fishing on. He also rented a little lake house out for the week so we could stay there. I didn't mind spending time with my dad, I loved him, honestly. I wasn't anywhere near those teenagers who didn't like there parents or anything. But, I am 19 so that would probably be the reason for it. I just really, really don't like fishing.

"Here you go Y/n, your own fishing rod." My dad smiled as I chuckled.

"Thanks dad." I smiled back at him as he grabbed his own rod and started fishing. We were both trying to catch fish for about and hour before we started slowly floating out into the sea, it was unnoticeable at first, but once we got far enough, I started to get suspicious. "Hey dad, why are we floating into the sea?" I asked with my brow raised as I looked at him.

He looked down into the water and then at the shore line where we started. He chuckled, "I have no clue. Let me try to get us closer to land." He took his pole and placed it back inside the boat. He took a look at the motor and tried sending us back to shore. After a few tries, he sighed.

"Sorry kiddo, looks like we can't get back. I'll call someone when we finish fishing and then we'll leave for the night." He said as I sighed and nodded.

I went back to fishing, but instantly stopped as I heard thunder boom. "Um, dad, can you call someone to get us now? It sounds like it's going to storm." I said uneasily.

He looked at me questionably, "What are you talking about Y/n? I don't see or hear anything." He said as he went back to fishing. I could understand not seeing anything considering it was still nice and bright out, but he could not say he didn't hear the thunder.

It was so loud it scared me half to death! "Are you kidding me? You didn't even hear the thunder? Really?" I asked in shock as he looked at me and shook his head.

"No, I didn't hear anything. It might just be your imagination, calm down ok?" Dad asked as I sighed and nodded. It wasn't my imagination, I'll say that right now.

Another sound of thunder clapped, louder than before, which made it seem closer to us. "Dad, you have to have heard that one right?" I asked as he still shook his head again. Out in the distance of the water, I saw a person swimming far out there. He had beautiful blond hair and dove back under when I spotted him.

"Hey, did you see that boy?" I asked as dad looked at me with boredom.

"Y/n, calm down ok? It's not real. Are you feeling well?" He asked as he placed his hand over my forehead. I swatted his hand away and he laughed.

"I'm fine dad." I sighed and looked back for the boy.

While I was looking, I heard a beautiful sound, it was like a song sung by the most beautiful voice out there. I noticed the boy in the water again and it looked like he was the one singing. He seemed to swim closer to the boat, while still singing, and the sky started getting darker. When he got closer, the water made a whirlpool right where we were.

The once sunny day had turned into a full blown storm. "Dad! Do you believe me now?" I screamed over the loud sounds of the waves and thunder. He nodded his head with a panicked look and pulled his phone out. "There's no connection, I can't call anyone." He complained as the boat shook immensely.

I screamed as our boat started shaking rapidly. "Dad! What is going on?" I screamed as I latched onto the side of the boat. I felt something grab me from behind and I screamed.

Dad looked over and gasped, "Y/n!" He screamed as he tried to get to me. The thing that grabbed me yanked me into the water and I thrashed around.

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