Teenage Troubles M.C

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"I've had it with these boys!" My dad roared in aggravation. My dad was the head sheriff of our town, and he believed it was always his job to protect the neighborhood. We had some group of boys going around the neighborhood and vandalizing people's property.

They would spray paint different things, and they would play harmless pranks on the people who lived here like t.p their house. Sometimes things got bad and they would break things, but that only happened at two houses. For some reason, though, they never did anything to our house. It confused my dad and I.

"I see them all of the time, but when I get too close they run before I can see their faces!" He was starting to get red from anger. I tried to hold back my laugh as I walked over to him.

"Dad, listen to me, I think you're overreacting. They've just been pulling harmless pranks around the neighborhood and no one is really getting hurt because of it. Sure, maybe some property is being damaged, which is kind of bad, but look on the bright side." I tried to say to cheer him up, "At least they haven't done anything to our house yet." I smiled.

He sighed and rubbed his hands down his face, "I guess that's a plus, but everything else is horrible. That's a crime, I could arrest them for property damage, and they would get into serious trouble."

I nodded my head, of course I already knew that, that was all he told me every single time we had this conversation. I knew they were going to get in trouble, but I didn't think they would get busted anytime soon.

"I know dad, believe me, I know," I said as I rolled my eyes with a smile. "I know you'll catch them. Soon enough it will happen." He smiled and nodded.

"You're right,I will get them. Anyway, you can go, I don't want to bore you any longer." He said with a shake of his head.

I laughed, "Okay, I'll leave, don't worry." I said in mock surrender as I walked up the stairs and into my room.

Once I got into my room, I slammed the door shut and jumped on to my bed pulling my phone out to call my beloved boyfriend Michael.

"Hey babe," He answered after a few seconds of the ringing.

"Hey Mikey, what have you been up to? I miss you." I started off.

"I haven't been doing anything recently," By the tone of his voice, you could tell he was smiling. "And I miss you too, think you can come over and hang out for a bit?"

I pondered the thought, I was seventeen, but I still had to ask my dad to let me go out to Michael's house.

"You know my dad is hesitant on letting me go, he says he wants to meet you before he lets me go out whenever." I sighed.

"Yeah I know, and I'll meet him soon, but that's never stopped him from letting you go out before." He said quizzically.

"He's just a bit stressed from the boy who keep vandalizing the property on our street. He lets me go out so he can have concentration." I rolled my eyes. "I don't see why they do this to our street."

Michael was quiet for a little while, "I'm not too sure either, but hopefully they stop. I don't like when you're sad. And your dad being stressed isn't necessarily the best, but at least he lets us hang out." Just from his voice, you could tell he was grinning.

I smiled, and pretended to think, "Hm, I don't know about that being a good thing. That means I'm forced to hang out with you." I said, my voice laced in sarcasm.

He chuckled, "You love me, now come on. No one's home, and we can hang out without my mom asking if you need anything every twenty minutes." I could practically see his eye roll.

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