Drunk Love M.C

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I walked by myself into the mall with my sunglasses covering my face and a baseball cap on my head. Obviously, not my best disguise, but I honestly couldn't be bothered to put something a little bit better on. When I walked in, I instantly noticed two girls looking at me and whispering. I winked at them and continued through the mall. I got a few fans who recognized me, and took some photos with them.

There was also the insane amount of girls that wanted to hook up, but I wasn't feeling like taking a girl home from the mall, unless she was really hot. I walked into journey, and started looking around for something new to buy. I had just come in to look, I didn't really think I'd find anything I wanted to bring home tonight.

That is, until I saw her. She had the most beautiful blonde hair, it didn't seem bleached, it was more of a dark blonde, but it was all natural. At least, that's how it looked. When she turned around and diverted her eyes from the shelf she was looking at, her eyes met mine and I couldn't help but gape. She had the most amazing eyes I had ever seen.

They looked grey, but with a hint of blue in them. In the light, they seemed to shine and sparkle. I heard her giggle and walk towards me. I instantly smirked, she was coming over. When she reached me, she smiled. It was a genuine smile that made my smirk change into one as well.

"Hi, I'm Y/n." She said as she took in my face with a smile. I smiled back, "I'm Michael, Michael Clifford." I started smirking as she nodded. "I know, and it's nice to meet you Michael."

"I'm sorry for staring at you earlier, I had just never seen someone with such beauty before, it amazed me." I smirked as a blush over took her features. I noticed her look down with I small smile as she fiddled with her bracelet. "Thank you Michael," She said as she looked back up, "It was nice when I noticed and cute guy checking me out from afar." She smirked back as mine fell off my face.

I shook my head with a smile as she started laughing, "Ok, maybe I was checking you out, but how could I not? You're absolutely stunning." I smiled when she stopped laughing and just smiled at me.

"My, my Michael, what a flirty boy you are." She giggled, and holy fuck, a dimpled popped out. I laughed, "You've got dimples." I pointed out with a small smile. She blushed with a nod, but didn't look down like she normally would.

"Yeah, I've had them ever since I was a baby." I laughed, "I would assume so." I was about to continue to speak, but was cut off from her phone ringing. She looked down, and me being the nosy guy I am, also looked at her phone.

"It's my sister, she needed me to get something for her boyfriend, it's his birthday next week, and he wont let her get him anything so I had to pick it up." I said with a smile and a roll of her eyes.

I nodded, "Um, wait, do you think you'd like to go tot a party with me? Maybe so we could hang out or something?" I asked as she shook her head, "Sorry, parties aren't really my thing, but I do want to hang out." She said with a smile.

I nodded again, "Ok, then maybe you'd like to come over? We could just hang out at my house and get drunk or something." I offered with a laugh. She laughed, and lightly pushed my shoulder.

"Alright, sure, just let me get your phone number, and you can arrange a time to meet? And ill need your address too." She chuckled as we swapped phones. I put my number in her contacts, and saved myself as Michael❤️

She took back her phone and looked at my contact, she giggled, "Well now I don't feel bad for putting a heart next to my name too." She smiled. I smiled, and noticed she had done the exact same thing I had.

"It was nice meeting you Michael, I'll text you, and then text me back so I don't look like a loser." She said with a slight laugh. I laughed back and nodded, "I'll let you know later when I can get my band mates out of the house." She nodded and smiled, "I'll see you later Michael." She said with a slight wave of her hand.


Michael: Y/nnnnn

Y/n: Michaaaaeeeelll

Michael: Are you free tomorrow? My band wont be here :)

Y/n: Yeah, I'm free, I just need to know your address.

Michael: Here you go, but I could have always picked you up if it's easier?

Y/n: No, i's fine, don't worry about me :-)

Michael: Ok, I'll see you at say 7? Or 8?

Y/n: 7 sounds good, I'll see you then xx

Michael: I can't wait, see you then :) xx


"You losers need to get out now! She'll be here any minute." I complained as I tried to shoo the boys out of the house, she didn't need to see them, or else they'd want to stay and hang out.

"Ok, ok, gosh Mike, we're leaving." Calum laughed as he walked outside and into the car. Ashton followed behind, and so did Luke, but he stopped at the door and turned around, "Why can't we just stay?" He whined as I growled. His eyes widened and he laughed. "Ok, I get it, I'm leaving. Bye Mike." I grumbled out a bye back to him and set up the food in the basement.

I heard the doorbell ring, and my eyes went wide. I ran up the stairs, and dashed to the door, I almost slipped on the floor with my socks on, but I didn't fall, thankfully. I opened the door and saw her standing there. She had on leggings and a black shirt.

"Hey Michael, thanks for inviting me over." She said as she placed her bag down on the bar stool near the kitchen island. "Where are we going?" She asked as she looked around in amazement. I chuckled, and her eyes instantly went to mine.

"Hope you don't mind, but I've got beer, alcohol, and video games in the basement. I thought we could go down there, and if you don't want to play video games, we could just like, watch a movie and get to know each other." I suggested as I lead her to the basement.

"I like video games, let's play." She said as I looked at them games we had. She gasped and I looked over at her to see her eyes lit up. "I haven't played Mario kart in ages! Can we please play?" She asked as she reached for it with a smile on her face.

I chuckled and nodded. She smiled and looked at me, "How about, whoever wins each round, between the two of us, gets to ask the loser three questions." I smirked and nodded, "Game on, but the loser has to drink while they answer the questions, makes it more interesting." I smirked as I grabbed a bottle of beer and gulped some of it down.

She smirked, "Oh, you're on."

She lost.

Every single round.

And she was drunk, that's what happens when you drink every time you lose, while losing every single time. I laughed when she was trying her best to tell a story about when she was younger, and tripping all over her words.

"And then-then, guess what she did?" She started giggling and she swayed back and forth on the couch. I laughed along, "What?" She giggled even more now, "She-she tripped, and then-then," She started giggling even more.

Suddenly, the song changed to another one. The Drug In Me Is You by Falling In Reverse came on and she instantly stopped what she was saying and jumped off the couch to stand up. Before I could ask what she was doing, she started dancing in the weirdest ways.

She would spin around with her arms up in the air, she would head bang, and she would jump around the room, all while screaming out the lyrics drunkenly. "C'mon Michael!" She slurred as she tried to pull me up to dance with her.

I shrugged with a smile, "I don't know, I'm not really the dancing type." I told her, she had a sassy look on her face as she placed one hand on her jutted out hip.

"Yeah? Well I cant dance, but I'm still doing it." She sassed as she grabbed my hand and started swaying our interlocked hands together. She started jumping around and spinning in circles, while she giggled the whole time.

The only thing running through my mind was her. And I had a feeling she wouldn't be leaving it for a while.

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