Jealousy L.H

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"I'm seriously about to cry right now." I muttered to myself as I paced the crowd less area of the airport. I was right outside the gate the boys were supposed to exit from in nothing but my pajamas and fuzzy boots. It was a smart idea to have the returning flight at two in the morning because they wouldn't be bombarded with fans, but I was so tired.

I was up all night cleaning the house and getting everything in tip-top shape for when Luke came home. I haven't seem him in about ten months, and I miss him so much.

I miss all of them. I've been friends with them even before Luke and I started dating, but I've been friends with Calum since we were young kids. My family moved before the boys became a band, but I've stayed in contact with Calum the whole time.

When I finally was able to visit Calum on tour, I met Luke. He's the same goofball he was when we met four years ago. I couldn't be any happier than I am in this point in my life.

When I finally heard over the intercom their flight has just been emptied, I stopped what I was doing and stared at the gate. There were maybe three or four people that came out before them, but there they were with their bags behind them sluggishly walking out of the terminal.

I squealed and raced over to the boys. Luke saw me first and instantly dropped the handle of his luggage to catch me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his neck as well. He grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist as he gripped my back in a tight hug.

"Hi baby. I've missed you so fucking much." Luke whispered as he placed kisses in my hair. I giggled when he kissed my ear and nipped at it a little bit.

"I bet I missed you more." I replied. I pulled my face away from his neck and planted a big kiss on his lips. He responded quickly, and kissed me back with intensity.

One of the boys cleared their throats. At that, I detached my lips from his, but kept my eyes closed. A dopey grin made its way to my face as I placed my forehead on his.

I opened my eyes to find his blue ones staring back at me. I giggled and looked at the boys. "Hey dorks, I've missed you." I grinned as I detached myself from Luke and walked up to them.

Ashton greeted me first with a hug. "Can't believe it's been so long since we seen you! I was so used to seeing you everyday it was weird to be away."

I smiled and nodded my head. "I know, it was definitely strange when I wasn't woken up by four screaming boy that broke into my house."

Ashton laughed and shook his head as he released me. Next, Michael came up and brought me into a hug that squished the life out of me.

"It is so nice to see your face again. Luke wouldn't let us talk to you when you two were on face time. He always said he needed 'quality time with his baby'." Michael complained. He let me out of the hug, but still held on to my shoulders. "He was just scared one of us would swoop in and never let him talk to you again."

I laughed, "That's a reasonable answer I guess. He knew if any of us got into something deep we'd be there for hours."

Michael nodded and motioned me to go to Calum who stood off to the side with a big smile on his face.

I ran up to him just as I did to Luke and jumped into his arms. He spun me around and we both laughed the whole time.

Calum put me down and just stared at me. "God, how I've missed you." he marveled, "Do you know how hard it is to be without one of your best friends? It's pretty damn hard, but I had my boys with me. You didn't have us there, which is why I'm never leaving your side until the next tour."

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