Fake Love C.H

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"Calum please just come with me, it would mean so much to me." I pleaded to my boyfriend. He groaned and paused the show he was watching, "I don't want to go see your family, I know they don't like me, and I don't like them either." He said as he got up and went into our shared bedroom.

I sighed and called up my parents, "Hey, um, Calum isn't going to be coming over when I come, he says you guys don't like him, but that's not true right?" I asked with a slightly hurt tone in my voice.

My mom sighed, "Honey, we tell you all the time, we don't like him, he doesn't like us, and, I hate to say this, but I don't really think he likes you. I think you deserve so much better than him Y/n, and I tell you this all of the time."

I sniffed, "Do you really think he doesn't like me?" I asked as my voice broke due to the tears welling in my eyes, "Because, that's what everyone says, my friends, my family, everyone." I cried out.

"I think, I think I should go talk with him, I don't think I would want to keep this if he actually doesn't like me." I sniffed as my mom sighed. "Honey, I know you, and I know you love this boy, you wouldn't just give him up if he didn't love you, but you have to. He'll tell you he loves you, but it's all lies. Just trust me on this one, please."

I nodded, "Ok, mom, I have to call you back, love you." She sighed and said goodbye as well. I hung up the phone, and walked to our bedroom. "Hey Cal?" I asked and looked at him as he laid down on the bed. He groaned and looked at me, "What?" He barked out.

I felt my eyes start to water, "Um, well, I was just, you know, wondering if, you loved me?" I asked after stalling for a little bit, "Because, I love you, but I don't want to keep doing this when I feel that you don't love me. I say it to you all the time, but you just brush me off, and I just was talking to my mom and she said you didn't and I was just-" I was cut off as Calum groaned.

"Listen Y/n, you're a nice person, and whatever else will make you not feel like shit, but I don't love you. Ok? You're ok in bed, decent looking, and can make moderate food, but no, I don't love you." He shrugged and laid back down.

"Oh, ok. Well, you can leave." I said with a hint of anger in my voice as I tried to replay my mother's words from earlier, and not give into him. He looked at me in disbelief. "Excuse me?" He asked as he sat up. "I said you can leave. Like get out of my house, since you don't love me." He chuckled, "Ok then."

He grabbed his things and shoved them into a duffle bag he kept for travel. He looked back at me and shook his head, walking out the door, and hopefully, out of my life. I shut the door, and instantly felt all of the anger leave my body and sadness flooded my body.

I cried out, a heart wrenching scream mixed with tears. They flowed down my cheeks, and I tried to stabilize myself, I couldn't control my balance, or even the amount of tears falling down my face. I crumbled to the ground and sat in fetal position, just waiting for the pain to be over.

I loved Calum, I loved him with all of my heart, with everything in me, he was the one I loved the most. I guess I felt too much, and he didn't. He felt nothing at all.

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