He Doesn't Deserve You L.H

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This was the third time it had happened. Jason broke it off with me for a third time, and I was just as devastated as I was the first time he broke up with him. For some reason, I always go back to him, even when my friends, my family and I all knew he was no good for me.

No one supported my decision to get together with him the second time, hell, of course they didn't like me getting with him for a third time, but I still went back. He was my everything, and, for a brief moment of my life, I thought I was his everything too.

Obviously, I was wrong.

He doesn't love me, and he never did. I just had to find out the hard way. Now, after our third, and final break up, I was sat on my bed sobbing. Loud sobs wracked up and down my body and I couldn't control them. I'm not sure why I was crying, I had been through this before and I knew we wouldn't work out, but I had hope.

I had hope and I was desperately clinging onto that small flicker of hope I had. That was where I went wrong. I should have never wanted for us to last, he was -and still is- a toxic human being, and I was sadly caught in the mix.

At least, that's what my best friend in the whole wide world told me when we first got back together. Luke, the most amazing friend a girl could ever have, had always warned me about him. He told me Jason would break my heart in the end, and he was right.

I just wish someone would have known I would be broken multiple times over. The more I thought about, the more I cried, and consequently, the more I cried, the more I wanted to call Luke and ask him to come over.

I needed my best friend in this moment, but I didn't want to bother him with the same scenario again. I decided to not call him and just live in sorrow by myself. That was the plan, until my phone lit up and Luke's name came on screen.

I let out a shaky breath, and tried to compose myself quickly before I answered the phone call. "Hello?" I asked, cringing to myself when I heard my voice brake.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" He asked in a worried and concerned tone. I started tearing up again. I knew, even if I didn't have a boyfriend, and even if my life went down hill, I knew I would always have my best friend with me through everything.

"Luke," I said as I started sobbing on the phone to him. I didn't even care if I sounded pathetic anymore, I just needed to tell him what happened. "He broke up with me, again!" I wailed out as the sobs shook my body to the point where I had no control over what was happening.

I could barely hear Luke sigh from the other side of the line over my cries. "Y/n, I knew this was going to happen. When will you learn not to get yourself tangled with him again?" He asked in a soothing voice that covered up the fact he was scolding me.

"I'm sorry Luke, I know. I'm never going to go back to him, I hate him." I said in a small voice. The cries had finally slowed down to just streaming down my face. I wasn't making those unattractive sounds anymore, but the tears were still there.

"You always say that, but when are you going to realize he's a douche? He doesn't deserve you, he doesn't deserve the way you're so forgiving and he definitely doesn't deserve you going back to him all of the time."

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me, "I know Luke, I know. You're the best Luke. Thank you for putting up with me, and thank you for always staying by my side. You're the only person I know I can actually count on in my life." I said with a smile on my face.

Luke was the best, there is definitely no denying that, and I love him so much.

"I love you Luke, thank you for everything." I heard him sigh, then he chuckled, a chuckle that sounded like it was in defeat.

"I love you more, I can guarantee it." He said the last part quietly, and just when I was about to ask him about it, he spoke again.

"Y/n? Can I tell you something? And can you promise me you won't judge me, or laugh, or say anything until the end?" He pleaded.

I nodded my head, "Of course Luke, I'd never judge you." I said, meaning every word.

I heard him sigh, "Ok, listen, I hate it when you call me, or come over and I see you crying. You're crying about this dick who keeps breaking your heart over and over again. The worst part is, you let  him. You keep letting him in your life even when everyone that matters in your life tells you not to.

I try to warn you, I have warned you, but you never listened. He doesn't deserve you, never has and never will. I know I probably don't deserve you either," He sighed, "But I really like you Y/n. I love you even, I'm in  love with you, and it breaks my heart knowing you keep falling for him."

My mouth hung agape, "Luke, I don't, I don't know what to say." I said in astonishment.

"Never mind, just forget it, I'll talk to you later." I tried to stop him, but he had hung up too quickly for me to get any words out. I tried calling him back, but he sent me to voicemail every time.

I decided on giving up on calling him, and tomorrow I would go over to his house and confront him about it.


When I pulled into his driveway, my palms started sweating. I was about to do this, I was going to tell Luke, my long-time best friend, that I loved him back. And it was terrifying. I gathered up all of my courage, and quickly got out of the car and raced to his door before my sudden bravery disappeared.

I knocked on the door before I could even process what I was doing. Before I could back out and retreat to my car, Luke opened the door. His eyes had bags under them, and he was wearing a dirty white t-shirt, the same t-shirt I recognized to be his favorite for eating ice cream in because it was already dirty and stained.

"Hey," I said, sending him an awkward wave as well. I cringed internally, waving was not the best thing I could have done. "Um, I wanted to talk, about yesterday." He sighed and nodded his head, moving out of the way so I could walk inside his home.

"Listen Y/n, if you want me to say I didn't mean what I said, I can't. I meant what I said, he doesn't deserve you, and neither do I, but I really, really like you." He said as he closed his eyes and rubbed them with his finger and his thumb.

I smiled and grabbed his hand to force him to look at me. "I know you do Luke, and if you would have given me a chance to say something, I could have told you I liked you back." I giggled.

He started wide eyed and jaw agape, "You're kidding me right? There's no way you like me back." he said as he shook his head with a smile.

I nodded, "It's true," I said and wrapped my arms around his waist. I heard him take a deep breath and wrap his arms around me.

"You have no idea how much that means to me." he said in a small whisper as he dug his nose further into my hair. I just smiled like a goof and buried my face in his chest, breathing in his lovely scent.

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