My Bad M.C

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"Come on, come on," I chanted quietly as I faced Michael off in this small video game battle the boys and I had. On one hand, I wanted Michael to win because he gets so cute when he wins.

He gets this adorable grin and he shouts in victory. He'll playfully rub it in your face how he beat you, and it's cute. On the other hand, I want to show him how amazing my gaming skills are, because, they are very good.

Mario Kart was the way to go when video game competing. We sat at least a foot apart from each other. The last thing we needed was the boys finding out we were dating. It hasn't even been two months into our relationship yet, but we wanted to make sure this was a long-term thing before we got the boys' hopes up.

There was one round left in our game, I won the first round, and Michael won the second round. This one was the tie breaker, and we were all on our seats. The boys were so into it, they wanted to see if someone could actually beat Michael in a game.

It was possible, and it had been done before, but it was rare. Michael would always play video games, and it surely did show, but he wouldn't win this one.

It was down to the last lap, Michael was currently in 3rd place, and I was in 5th, but suddenly, I got a power up, and not just any power up. I got the booster.

"Woohoo!" I shouted as I used them right at the end and passed Michael, and the guy in second place. I ended up being second, and Michael was now fourth.

"Ha ha! Eat that Michael! I won, I am the winner!" I shouted as I got all up in his face.

He smiled at me and shook his head, "Shut up."

I shook mine and grinned in his face, my hair fell to the sides of my face and blocked my view from the other guys. "What? Jealous?" I teased.

He shook his head, "No, because we both know I'm better, that was just luck."

I threw my head back and laughed, then I got really close to his face, "You and I both know that wasn't luck. That was pure awesomeness." I giggled.

Quicker than I could think, Michael had me flipped down on to my back spread out on the rest of the couch. He pinned me down, and started tickling my sides.

"Michael!" I screeched out, "What are you doing?" I laughed as I tried to get his to release me.

"Tickling you, what does it look like?" Sarcastic little shit.

"Can you please stop?" I asked while trying to regain my breathing.

He paused for a second, which I was thankful for, but started up again. "Only, if you say that I'm the best video gamer ever! And that you cheated!"

"What?!" I screamed through my laughter, "I didn't cheat!" My laughter was starting to get out of control, but it wasn't to the point where I started crying.

"Then I guess you'll never get let out!" He laughed.

I had to think quick, and I had to get out soon. Suddenly, it hit me. "I won't kiss you ever again if you don't let me go."

Suddenly, his hands pulled away from my body and I could finally breathe properly. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him into his chest.

"We don't want that now do we?" He asked as he peppered kisses on my forehead.

I giggled, "No we don't."

"Um, did we miss something?" Ashton asked as all the boys stared at us wide eyed from the other couch.

My eyes widened, and I looked back to Michael, who looked just as shocked as I did.

"Um," I started, "I forgot you guys were here." I said with an awkward laugh at the end. Michael chuckled at that, and I sent him a glare. "Shut up," I muttered quietly.

"Since when were you guys a thing?" Calum shouted with disbelief.

I looked over at Michael, "Your turn Mike." I said patting his chest twice as he huffed.

"We've been together just under two months. Our anniversary is coming up soon." He said quietly as he placed his chin in the crook of my neck.

Luke's mouth fell open, "Two months? And you didn't even bother to tell us?" He asked in shock.

I sighed, "We wanted to make sure this was going to be a long term type thing before we told you guys. It would have been embarrassing if we broke up right after we told you we got together." I chuckled, and michael nodded.

"But, clearly since you found out, this is forced to be a forever thing, so now your stuck with me." Michael smiled and placed a big wet kiss on my neck. I squealed and wiped my neck.

"Ew, no thank you," I said, and watched as he pouted. I giggled and kissed his pout, "I'm just kidding baby."

He smiled and chuckled, "Well, guys, I have some news." He said and looked around to make sure they were looking at him, "I have a girlfriend, it's Y/n."

Ashton rolled his eyes, "No kidding." He laughed, "But we're happy for you mate, I always knew you would get together eventually."

The other boys nodded and I smiled at them as Michael pulled me into his chest some more, so I was sitting on his lap. "You still cheated."

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