Sibling Support M.C

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DISCLAIMER: Please do NOT, under any circumstances, repost my writing! Do not repost on Tumblr, Wattpad, etc. I do not want my work anywhere else other than my Wattpad. Even if you give credit to me, I do not want them reposted! With that said, happy reading! Thank you for understanding!

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"Michael, you shouldn't be doing this every night!" I shouted as my two-year-older brother came slinking into our shared apartment with a busted lip and a black eye for the third night in a row.

Michael winced a bit and lightly laughed. "You can't stop me, little one. How else are we going to afford this place? 'Sides, I've got you to patch me up, so it's not that bad."

I rolled my eyes and dragged him into the small apartment bathroom. I sat him down on the toilet lid, and looked underneath the sink to find the hydrogen peroxide for cleaning his cut.

"We're running out of this stuff, looks like we'll need some more." I gruffly stated.

Michael sighed, "Look Y/n, I know you don't like when I go out and do dangerous things, but this is my life. Sure, maybe I'll come back with a couple of tiny wounds, but it isn't anything bad. if it was putting you in danger, then we'd figure something else out, but for now, this is how we get by."

I nodded my head as I dabbed a cotton pad coated in peroxide over Michael's bleeding lip. He barely winced and continued to look up at me with his hooded black eye.

"Mom and dad aren't around to protect you anymore, I'm doing the best I can to make a living for us."

I growled in frustration and yanked the cotton from his lip. "You don't get to make those calls Michael! Last I checked, you're not being protected by anyone. if you want to take care of me, I should be able to do more to take care of you, not just fix you up when you get hurt!"

"You're not old enough to make those calls. You're delicate. I can't have you getting hurt trying to save me from something I don't need to be saved from."

I stomped my foot on the ground and fisted my hands. "I can't go on seeing you like this Michael! Day in and day out you're always coming home with crazy cuts and bruises. One day it'll be so much worse than I can fix! Some day you're going to need someone to protect you, and I'm going to be that someone whether you like it or not!"

Michael stared at me for a few seconds before sighing and nodding his head. "You're right. One day that could happen, but I don't want it to. If I can't even protect myself, how am I supposed to protect my little sister?"

I sighed, "You don't always have to protect me. I'm not the one getting beat up all the time. protect yourself first Mikey, you're the one who needs it."

I pulled Michael up by his hand and wrapped my arms around his waist. I buried my face into his chest so he couldn't see the tears forming in my eyes. "What would mom and dad think of what's happening?"

I slightly looked up at Michael and noticed some tears sprouting in his eyes as well. "I don't know little one, but I do know they would be ashamed in me."

I sniffled and shook my head, "Don't say things like that Mikey. You're doing the best you can. Mom and dad wouldn't like the way you handle things, but they would be delighted to know you're taking care of the both of us."

I smiled, "That's the only thing the could ever hope for."

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