Dreams A.I

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A little Mini series I'm starting in here for different Soulmate AUs! 

While sleeping, you can interact and communicate with your soulmate as long as they are sleeping as well.

Everyone has a soulmate. That's what they say, at least. You're supposed to be able to communicate and see your soulmate while you sleep, but I've never been able to see mine. I've never talked to him, never seen him, or heard from him at all. 

All of my friends have seen theirs and talked to theirs, but I get nothing. I haven't told anyone other than my parents, I'm too embarrassed. I'm sleeping over at my best friend Kinsley's house, and she's excited to go to bed.

"God, he's so handsome, (Y/N)." Kinsley gushed as she hugged her fluffy pillow. We sat on the ground on top of a bunch of blankets. Kins made a makeshift bed for us to sleep on tonight.

I forced a smile, "Get it, Kins. Has he told you where he lives, or something you could use to find him?"

She nodded, "He lives in Washington State, so not too far from us! He's also on his hockey team which is so dreamy!" Kinsley squealed as she fell back onto the blankets. "What about your soulmate? You don't talk about him much." She sat up again to grin at me, waiting for some details.

I sighed, "I've actually got something to tell you."

Kinsley stopped smiling and got serious. "Yeah, you can tell me anything. What's up?"

"I actually haven't been talking to my soulmate."

Kinsley looked confused, "You guys are fighting already? I'm sure you two can get through it and talk again."

I shook my head, "No, not like we're arguing. I mean I haven't met him, ever. I never see him when I sleep, so how do I even know if I have a soulmate?"

The thought of not having a soulmate made me want to cry. Kinsley obviously noticed this and pulled me into a hug. "No, girl don't think like that. I know you have a soulmate just like the rest of us, don't you worry. We can figure out why you can't communicate with yours."

I sniffled, "God, it's so embarrassing and so upsetting at the same time. I don't want to be the girl who doesn't have a soulmate. I want to be happy and in love." I'm eighteen and I've never seen my soulmate. No other boys would want to even date me because they all talk to their soulmate every night. I just want mine as well. 

Kinsley shushed me, "Don't even say that. You're not the girl without a soulmate because we're going to find him and figure out why you haven't been able to see him."

I smiled and joked, "Maybe it's because he hasn't been born yet."

Kinsley laughed and pushed me away from her, "That's so gross and weird. You definitely don't want to be soulmates with a baby."

I giggled, "He wouldn't be a baby forever, but you're right, that's really weird to think about."

Kins nodded, and looked at the time. "1 AM. Sorry, (Y/N), I think Carter's waiting for me. I'm going to go to sleep, and in the morning we'll figure out how to bring your soulmate back, yeah?"

I nodded with a slight smile, "Go get him, tiger."

Kinsley giggled and went to sleep. I sighed, thinking about how I couldn't figure out how to talk to mine, and went to bed as well.

The next morning, I woke up sad. I still had nothing with my soulmate. There's no dreaming without your soulmate in it, so I was left with literally nothing. I checked the clock, 7 AM, and groaned. I had barely gotten any sleep, but music from downstairs had woke me up. It was Kinsley's mom, she loved to clean early morning with music.

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