Pathetic C.H

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When I walked up to the front steps of an oh-so-familiar house, I knocked twice and waited for the door to open. There in all his glory stood my best friend Michael. He and his band had just gotten back from their world-wide tour and invited me over for a group hangout.

"Y/n! Oh my god," Michael yelled as he engulfed me into a tight hug. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He continued hugging me, but picked me up and walked deeper into their house, not forgetting to shut the door behind us.

"Hey, Mike. I've missed you." I smiled as he set me down on the ground.

"I've missed you too. The boys will say they've missed you, but I promise I missed you more."

I nodded with a smile, "I know for sure Calum missed me."

Michael's smile slightly fell. Calum didn't miss me. He threw a party right before they went away, banner and everything. It read 'Ten months without Y/n!'

Michael gave him a stern talking to, and the banner was stupid, but the party was fun nonetheless. Calum and I had always hated each other, I don't even know why. When Michael first introduced me to the boys as is best friend, Calum instantly took a disliking to me. From then on he always had something smart to say about me, that's when I knew I did not like Calum Hood. One bit.

We were in the kitchen, but I gave Michael a pitiful smile and walked into the living where I could hear the other three boys talking.

"Guess who's here?" I sang as I did an overly dramatic pose.

"Is it the old hag again?"

Guess who said that. Calum, as expected.

"Calum! I didn't know the boys let the trash sit in the living room. How are you?" I asked with a sickeningly sweet tone in my voice. Maybe not my best comeback, but it was all right.

Calum just scoffed and pulled his phone out to meddle on it.

I rolled my eyes and smiled as I looked at Luke and Ashton. "Hey boys, I've missed you."

Calum smirked, "They didn't miss you."

I snarled at him and shook my head disapprovingly.

Luke got up from his seat and came to me with his arms outstretched. "Don't listen to Cal, he doesn't know what he's talking about. We did miss you, but I missed you the most."

I hummed, "Michael already said he missed me the most, but I'm actually starting to think it was Calum."

Calum looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

I continued, "I mean, who else is going to remind him that silence is the smartest thing he's capable of."

Calum growled in frustration, "You should be reminding yourself that, you talk like an idiot all the time."

I smiled, "Of course I talk like an idiot, how else would you understand me?"

Michael tried to cover his laugh with a cough but Calum heard it. "Really mate?" He questioned with a slightly snarky edge in his voice.

He questioned with a slightly snarky edge in his voice.

Michael just shrugged, "A good roast is a good roast. I don't make the rules."

Ashton stood up from his spot on the couch, "Listen to me, we've all been friends with Y/n for about two years now and you two never get along. I think if you actually tried, you'd see you're a lot like each other in many different ways."

Luke nodded his head to agree with Ashton's statement, "Yeah. Oh! Maybe if we play a game you guys will see how similar you are. We could do never have I ever, or just ask each other questions."

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