You're In Love L.H

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"C'mon Y/n, let me just help you!" Luke laughed as he watched me pathetically try and put on my coat.

"Oh my gosh, fine, fine, just please hurry. We already lost so much time!" I whined like a child as Luke buttoned my coat up.

"I still can't believe you couldn't do that." He teased as he wrapped his arms around me.

I huffed, "Shut up Lucas, I normally just have zippers and not buttons, I wasn't used to it." I whined. "Why is it so cold too? It's March!" I complained as we walked out to our car.

"Stop whining and just wait for when we get to the coffee shop." Luke said with a smile. It was midnight and we were both fully energized and wanting even more coffee. When we got into the car, I smiled. Luke's car, which I called mine too, was always my favorite.

It has this warm, inviting smell to it. It reminds me of him so much, and I love it. "Hey Y/n, since we're getting coffee want to hear a joke?" He asked like a little kid as he drove to the place that was a mere five minutes away from where we lived.

I sighed with a smile, since he knew I was a sucker for his terrible jokes, "Go ahead, lay one on me."

He looked at me and smiled, then directed his attention back to the road. "What's the difference between a Starbucks latte and a whore?" He asked, and I laughed loudly. He knew I preferred the old coffee shop down the road to any Starbucks.

I encouraged him to keep going, "Nothing," He said, "They both suck and empty your wallet." I giggled and nodded my head. Starbucks does suck. When we pulled up to the coffee shop I walked in and sat down at our usual booth, all the way in the back corner.

"Hi, welcome to Mindy's coffee, what could I get you?" A waitress asked politely as Luke and I told her our favorite drinks to get. "Ok, I'll be right out with your orders." She said as she fixed her messy bun. Poor girl looked tired.

While I was still looking at her, Luke spoke to me, "I really like your necklace, I forgot to tell you when you came home with it yesterday." He said as he reached over to play with the golden chain around my neck.

I giggled, "Thanks baby."

Luke smiled, I knew he loved when I called him that. We got our coffee and had mindless conversations. I tipped the waitress and extra ten dollars and walked out hand in hand with Luke. We sat in silence the way back home, with nothing but music playing in the background.

We stopped at a red light, and the glow illuminated on Luke's face, it gave him a bright glow and I couldn't help but stare at him. "Babe, you're staring," He said with a small, gentle smile and glanced over at me before the light turned green.

When we pulled into the driveway, we walked up to the door and got ready for bed. He climbed in before me, and waited with his eyes slowly closing and his arm propping up his head.

I walked in the room from the attached bathroom and cooed at him. "Baby, if you're tired go to sleep, I still have to brush my teeth." I said as I walked back into the bathroom.

I could hear him sigh and move around in position. When I finished brushing my teeth, I walked back out, but he was still trying to open his eyes. "Aw, baby, you were just wide awake too." I giggled as I climbed into my side of the bed and curled up into Luke. He sighed and held me tightly.

I hit the lights from the nightstand and soon enough, he fell asleep. I was just staring at him, in his beautiful sleepy state, I ran my finger through his hair, and sometimes along his cheeks. I loved Luke, and these were the times I cherished the most. Seeing him so relaxed and adorable would always be my favorites.

The next morning, after I fell asleep with my hand in his hair, I woke up to him not there with me. I was confused, and walked around the house to see where he was. I checked the bathroom, living room, and music room, but then found him in the kitchen.

I had totally forgotten it was Sunday morning, and every Sunday, we would make breakfast for each other, who ever woke up first would normally cook it, but the other always helped. Luke looked over when I started to chop up some fruit and he looked me up and down.

I giggled when he smirked, "You look so good in my shirt princess, I love it." He said and walked away from the sizzling bacon to wrap his arms around me.

I giggled and leaned back into him. "I'm cutting up some fruit, any preferences?" He shook his head and kissed my temple.

"No, whatever you decide is alright with me." He went back to cooking the bacon and already had eggs and some burnt toast set out. I laughed when I saw it. He looked over and raised an eyebrow at me, "What's so funny?"

Shaking my head I directed my eyes to the toast. He followed and chuckled, "I set it to the wrong number and we're all out of bread, so it'll have to do for today."

I nodded, "Nothing wrong with that." I smiled as I placed the fruit on the table. He placed the bacon on it as well and we both dug in.


We sat at a park bench, and it was noticeably warmer out. "I can't believe it was so cold last night. Now it's super warm." He said as he gripped onto my hand and brought it to his lips.

He gave it a quick kiss, and surprised me by licking it. I squealed, "Ew, gross Luke! What the heck?" I giggled. He laughed and shook his head.

"Come on, let's go for a small walk, and then we can head back home. Ok love?" I nodded. We held hands as we strolled through the sidewalks. Underneath the trees, we shared small kisses and sweet nothing in between them.

When we came back to the house, we sat down and cuddled on the couch with a movie he picked playing in the background. I fell asleep to the sound of him saying the actors' parts and just thinking about how lucky I am to have him in my life.

You can hear it in the silence,
You can feel it on the way home,
You can see it with the lights out,
You are in love, true love
You are in love

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