My Love L.H

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Breakups are tough. I'm sure everyone here knows that, and if not, I envy you. I was happy. I felt loved. I was with Luke. Sadly, things change. Luke and I are over, and it was all because of our clashing tours. He wasn't willing to make it work, but I was willing to do anything. I even offered to cancel my tour and join his, but he refused. Luke was always a big fan of ours as I was with his band, so he would have never let me do that.

I just wish things could have been different. Now, I'm on stage, in front of thousands of people with my white electric in my hands ready to play. My three band mates, also my best friends, were around me. Zoe on drums, Claire on another guitar, and Suzie on bass. Those are my three best friends. They stuck with me when Luke and I split and they've always had my back.

I trusted them with my life, and they trusted me. That's why, when I decided I wanted to play and sing a 5sos song at our biggest concert, they were hesitant, but ultimately decided to roll with it.

It might not have been the best choice. I'm now realizing that as Zoe introduces Amnesia as a cover song. The crowd screams, some of them don't understand why I would do this song, and I agree with them. It's too late to back out now though, so I just have to go with it.

I took a deep breath in, and started strumming tunes on my guitar. The whole arena quieted down, waiting for my voice to break the ice.

"I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted," my voice slowed the song down, more than it should have. Singing it up here was so different for me. I already wanted to cry, but I knew that wouldn't solve anything.

"I thought about our last kiss, how it felt, the way you tasted." I closed my eyes and remembered what our last kiss was. it was right before the argument, I had walked inside the house, packing my last bag for tour as he packed his. I smiled and kissed him as if nothing was wrong. It was sweet.

"And even though your friends tell me your doing fine, are you somewhere feeling lonely even though she's right beside you," I slightly changed the lyrics to fit my situation. Luke said he couldn't handle the distance, yet I get a text from Michael saying he's sorry about Luke getting in touch with his ex Emma again.

Luke always told me he loved me more than he loved her, but now I'm starting to think that was a lie. I'm starting to think everything was a lie.

I swallowed a bit of saliva, and shakily sang out the next lyric, "When she says the words that hurt you, do you read the ones I wrote you?" Emma was rude to him. She called him names, and gave all these accusations about him, but I always made sure to leave him sweet little notes saying everything she said was a lie and how much I loved him.

"Sometimes I start to wonder, was it just a lie? If what we had was real, how could you be fine? 'Cause I'm not fine at all." I miss Luke so much. I started to tear up and my voice wavered at the thought of us really being over. Luke must not have loved me anymore while I still stood here, singing for him, just because I love him.

"I remember the day you told me you were leaving," It was getting too hard. My voice wouldn't stay still, and my fingers were messing up the chords. I looked to Claire with my eyes filled with tears and mouthed Sing. She nodded her head with a sad frown and began to pick up where I left off.

As she sang, she changed the words just as I had. She sang, "I remember the making running down her face. And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them, like every wish you two ever made."

I was crying. I was full on sobbing into my hands in front of so many people. I felt stupid. If Luke wasn't like this, why am I?

Suzie came over from her side of the stage and fixed her bass behind her to give me a massive hug. I cried into her for a few seconds before I quickly started breathing and tried to compose myself.

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