Colored Hair M.C

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Pt 3 in the Soulmate mini series!

When you dye your hair, and that color will be the color of your soulmate's eyes.

Ever since I was little I've wanted to dye my hair. Well, ever since I learned that your hair color determines your soulmate's eyes. I thought it was so cool. My parents never let me. They told me it would be rude to my soulmate to change their eye color drastically. Most people in our world dye parts of their hair so they can determine their soulmate, but not 'ruin' their eyes. My mom, for example, would dye the front pieces of her brown hair purple so my dad would have brown eyes with purple around the pupil.

My dad has blonde hair, which is pretty rare where we live, so he kept it natural so my mom's eyes would be blonde which was basically a super light brown. I also have blonde hair, so my parents didn't want me dying it because it's rare for me to have, but also rare for my soulmate to have.

I always listened to them, but I desperately wanted to dye my hair. My soulmate was dying his all the time! I loved it. I loved getting a new eye color. He would do such fun things with his hair. He's done pink, purple, black and white, blue, and now it's really cool. My eyes are brown with green as a stripe vertically. My pupil is still black, but on top of it and underneath there is green with brown on the sides.

(I'm definitely no artist as you can tell but this is how I imagine her eyes, just more realistic looking haha)

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(I'm definitely no artist as you can tell but this is how I imagine her eyes, just more realistic looking haha)

My parents always agreed that when I turned eighteen and was a legal adult, I could decide if I wanted to dye my hair or not. Today was that day.

I woke up bright and early this summer morning. I stretched and could barely contain myself. I was eighteen! I could do whatever I wanted now. I jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed. I threw on some ripped denim jeans, and a tight crop top before dashing downstairs.

I saw my parents in the kitchen. My dad cooked breakfast as my mom worked on her computer.

My dad was the first to notice me. "Hi sweetie, happy birthday!"

I smiled and sat down next to my mom who pecked my cheek. "Thanks dad. I'm so excited!"

My mom laughed, "That's awesome, honey. What are you planning on doing today? Dad and I are going to be cooking your favorite for dinner tonight. We've invited the whole family, too."

I nodded, "That sounds good. That means they'll be the first to get a look at my new hair." I grinned at my mom who stared at me shocked.

I chuckled at her expression, "I mean, I'm eighteen now, and you guys said when I turned eighteen I could dye my hair if I really wanted."

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