Markings C.H

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Pt 2 in the Soulmate mini series!

Everyone has a black mark on them where their soulmate will touch them for the first time. Once you guys touch, you get a shock to know you've found the one.

I hopped out of my car and walked up the steps to my best friend Callie's house. I knocked and waited for her to open the door for me.

She pulled it open and grinned at me, "(Y/N)! Yay, now we can get going. Give me one second, I have to find my sunglasses. Come on in, you don't need to wait outside. That's silly."

I chuckled and walked inside and sat down on her couch. "I just like to be invited before I come inside."

Callie scoffed, "Girl, you practically live here. Mind helping me look? I'm gonna check upstairs."

I nodded and started looking around her living room. I checked under the couch, in between the cushions, and in the kitchen, but no luck.

"Found them!" Callie called as she ran down the stairs. She grinned at me and put her sunnies on. "How do I look?" She posed and made silly faces.

I chuckled, "Like a model. Come on, we have to get going before everyone and their grandmother tries going to the beach."

Callie nodded and followed me out the door to my car.

The beach was about 25 minutes from Callie's house, and in that time we listened to music and had a whole jam session.

Once we got to the beach, I opened the trunk and showed Callie everything I had brought for us.

She stared at it amazed, "Dang girl, you're really hooking us up!"

I giggled, "Only the best for my best friend."

Callie laughed and pushed my shoulder before helping me bring all of our stuff down to the sand.

I set out our towels and put an umbrella up in case we wanted to sit in the shade. Once everything was placed, I took of my shirt and shorts to reveal a cheetah print bikini.

Callie whistled, "Damn girl, you're making me self conscious. I love the placement of your soulmate mark, mine is so lame."

Everyone had a mark on their body where their soulmate would touch them for the first time. Most people have it on their hands, but mine is on my shoulder blade. It's five dots in a half circle kind of shape. I think my soulmate will touch my back with his fingertips.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "Oh please, you're literally so gorgeous, Cal. Your soulmate mark isn't even lame, I think it's pretty cool."

Callie's mark was on her ankle. She doesn't like it much cause she thinks it's weird her soulmate will touch her ankle the first time he touches her.

Changing the subject, I ask, "Do you want to get in the water, or are you trying to tan?"

She looked around, and smirked, completely disregarding my question, "Look at those boys over there, they're staring at us."

I followed her eyes to see where they were. A little further from the water, a group of four boys stared this way. Once they noticed we were watching them, they went back to their game of soccer.

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