Black Butterflies C.H

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Calum Hood. The name of the most amazing boy in the world. I love him with all my heart. But, so does my friend Julia, and he loves her back. I mean, he would have to love her, they are dating after all.

Calum and Julia have been dating for months, and in those months, I've liked him, I've even liked him long before they dated, I just never had the courage to talk to him. He has the best smile, but, sometimes he only shows it around me. He says it's because, "You're my best friend Y/n," Calum said as we sat together in the ice cream shop.

"Oh, really? What about Michael? Or what about Julia? Shouldn't your girlfriend be your best friend?" I asked in a sour tone. Calum just looked at me in curiosity, "What's wrong? You seem different today." He said as he placed his hand over mine. I pulled it back quickly.

Normally I would love the feeling of his hands on mine, but today it just made me sick. I've been thinking about things, and I realized I couldn't do that to Calum, and I especially couldn't do that to Julia.

"Y/n, you always let me hold your hand, what's wrong now? Did I do something?" He asked with a sad look on his face, and he jutted out his bottom lip. I'm usually a sucker for that pout, but today I can't seem to get out of my own head.

I can't speak, it feels like I'm drowning, and no matter how hard I try to say something, I can't find the right words. I'm just waiting for them to spill out of my mouth already.

"Calum," I sighed, "You didn't do anything wrong per say. I just, I can't do this Calum. I always think of you, and when I do, it feels like a tsunami inside of my brain. It's crazy, honestly." I sighed again.

He looked and me in confusion, "I don't get it Y/n, what are you saying?" He asked as he tried to put his hand on mine again, but, once more, I pulled them away, and shoved them into my pockets.

"I like you Calum, but I can't do that to Julia, and I can't do that to your relationship. I'm sorry about everything, I didn't mean to like you, but how could I not?" I asked rhetorically with a dry laugh. "I need to leave, sorry Cal." I said as I quickly ran out of the ice cream shop and into my car. calum drove his own so I didn't feel as guilty for leaving.

I'm literally like a lovesick puppy, every single day I see him. I don't understand what it is that makes me so drawn to him, but I shouldn't be, and it drives me mad that I cant have him.

When I got home, I packed my bags and booked a flight out for America, if I cant stand to be here, and I only came to be with my friends and Calum, then there's no more reason to be here. The flight left for tomorrow and I already told my landlord I would be gone by the night.

I booked a hotel so no one would know where I was and slept until my flight.


After the flight had landed, I checked my phone and say messages from Calum.


Y/n, why did you run out?

I tried going to your apartment but you weren't there.

I asked the landlord, he said you moved out, said something about a flight to America?

Really Y/n? I didn't even get to say anything to you, and now you're in America? I wanted to tell you I liked you back.

But it's too late now, you're in America and I don't expect you to fly back for me. Especially since I know you used all of the money saved up for college.

I still cant believe you did that, wasting your college money just because you cant stand to look at me?

That really hurts you know? I really liked you and you want to get away from me...

I'm sorry I wasn't good enough to keep trying for, and I'm sorry I didn't have the courage to break up with Julia, I just didn't want you to hate me for breaking her heart.

But now I guess it sounds stupid when I think about it. I broke up with her still. it didn't feel right to be with her, when I thought of only you.

I stared crying right in the middle of the airport, and many people looked over to me. One older woman came up to me and asked what was wrong. I had told her what happened, and what was going on, then I showed her the messages he sent me.

She gave me a hug. "Listen, my son was supposed to go to Australia but he got sick, I was going to return this ticket, but I think you should take it. Please, go back and be with this boy." She smiled as I started crying and pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you so much, you're an angel." I whispered to her as ,y tears slowed down. She just shook her head, "I'm no angel, but I know true love, and you guys have it. Please, just go to him." I smiled and thanked her once more.

Once I got back to Australia, I got an uber to Calum's flat and knocked on the door. Michael showed up and stared at me in shock. "Um, what is going on? You're in America, I'm not on drugs, I know it." He said with a confused face.

I laughed and pulled him in to a hug, "god Mike, I love you, now move I have to see Calum." I said as he laughed and moved out of the way, "He's up in his room, probably crying or something." I nodded and walked into his room.

It was dark in Calum's room and I shook him to see if he'd get up. "Mike, I said to leave me alone." He groaned, and I giggled. He sat up quickly and looked at me wide eyed. "Hey Cal." I said with a slight laugh.

He smiled and laughed as well. He grabbed my waist and threw me onto the bed with him. "You're here, you're actually here, how?" He asked with wide eyes and a huge smile. "A sweet lady gave me a ticket back, I told her about what was going on and she offered the ticket she was giving up." I smiled, and he started peppering kisses all over my face.

I giggled as he stared at me again. he opened his mouth to say something, but it closed. Then he opened his mouth again, but nothing came out. I giggled, "Cal, speak." he smiled, "Sorry, but I just cant believe you're actually here again. You can obviously stay with me and Mike. But just, wow, I'm speechless." He grinned and pulled me into a loving kiss.

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