Supernatural C.H

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"I just didn't realize how hard college would be," I sighed into my phone. I held it between my shoulder and my ear while I juggled groceries in my arms as I tried to unlock my dorm room. When my lock clicked and my door opened, I stepped inside and listened to the sound of my best friend, Eva, talking through the phone.

"Girl, I just think you need a break, you've been studying all week nonstop! We can hang out right now, I'm not doing anything, and it's only 6 o'clock. Meet me at that sub shop on Mal Street in thirty minutes. I'll be waiting! Love you!" Eva hung up before I could get another word out.

Great. I bought all of these groceries so I wouldn't starve while I studied some more, and I'm going out to eat. I wasted money on groceries, and I'm not even studying! But, I suppose I really could use a break.

"Looks like I need to get ready." I mumbled. I quickly put all the groceries I bought away and rushed into my bedroom to change. I went out in my study wear, joggers, a tank top, and slippers, definitely not dinner wear.

I checked the clock and noticed I had twenty minutes to get there, and it was a twenty-five minute walk down to Mal Street. I'm going to be late, but when wasn't I?

I changed into some light skinny jeans and a cropped grey sweatshirt. It was good enough for a casual sub shop dinner.

I dashed down the stairs and scooped my keys off of my side table near the door. The door was locked, my keys were in my pocket, and I was on my way down the street. It was slightly dark outside since winter was nearing, but that didn't stop me from getting to where I needed to be.

Mal street always freaked me out. The street itself wasn't in the best area, and anywhere within a ten minute walk from that street was the same way. I try not to go anywhere around there, but this was Eva's favorite food place so I couldn't really argue.

I passed many buildings on my way to Mal Street, but the closer you got, the worse shape the buildings were in. There were no street lights, so walking in the dark in this direction wasn't what I had planned for my Saturday night. The sun was setting quickly, my pace was quickening, and my heart was racing. The faster I could leave this are, the faster I could get to Eva.

My heart sped up even faster when I noticed an ally approaching me. A grunt broke me from my scared daze and stopped me in my place. My breathing started to get louder but it was a slow breath. Each deep breath filled my lungs. I tried to focus on my breathing so I wouldn't notice the person who I could hear in the ally, but it was too late. I had already saw him.

He was gorgeous. Absolutely breath-taking. His dark hair was almost invisible in the barely lit night, and his black clothes hid his figure within the shadows, but something stuck out to me. His eyes. They were like nothing I had ever seen before. They were black. And they were staring right at me.

I tried to back up, I don't even know how I got into the ally, but I couldn't move. Before I knew it, a cat-like sound came from the man in front of me.

I was perplexed, "Did, did you just hiss at me?"

The man just smirked and walked closer to me. "Well, well. Look what I've got here." His voice was deep and sultry. He spoke slowly, as if he knew it would intimidate me.

His breath fanned down my neck as he circled around me. Still, I couldn't move a muscle, but I could get a better look of him. He had tan, brown skin. His arms were muscular, and he was tall. taller than my 5'5 height.

"What brings a pretty thing like you down into this part of town?" The mysterious man asked.

I was speechless, I opened my mouth to talk, but nothing came out.

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