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Charlie's POV:
I feel how my eyes slowly open up. I realize that it's still in the middle of the night because the room isn't lit up yet. I must have woke up because of something. It takes a while for me to realize it, the sound. It's small, choked sounds. I'm still very tired and my brain isn't really working this early.

But when I wake up enough to realize that it's sobs, I quickly turn around and look over to Leondre on the other side of the bed. Is he awake? I lie there listen for a while 'til I can't stand it anymore.

"Leo?" I whisper drowsy and the sobs immediately fall silent. He was definitely crying. I crawl over and wrap my arm around him.
"How are you?" I ask softly and kiss him on the cheek. It's all wet. Aww, my little baby. I move my hand along his arm, stroking it on the way out to his hand. I grab it and our fingers entwine.

He doesn't answer my question and I start to get worried. I cuddle up next to him, as close as possible. We lie there for a while in silence, but suddenly Leo just bursts into tears and it totally breaks my heart. I lean over him and turn on the light on his bedside table. Then I lie back down, wanting to hug him so badly.
"Come here." I say and he immediately turns around to me as I pull him into a hug. I roll over so he lies on top of me and I start stroking my hand over his hair and down to his back. He sobs into my chest and I really wanna know what's bothering him, but I'm not sure if he's ready to talk about it yet.

I hug him tighter and give him a kiss on the forehead. After a while he calms down a bit, but he's still crying.

"Shh." I hush carefully, trying to comfort him. "It's gonna be okay, I promise."
Leo slowly looks up at me with red and puffy eyes. He looks heartbroken... And it hurts me so much to see him this sad.

"I had a nightmare... Or I hope it was a nightmare..." Leondre says slowly.
"What was it about?" I ask and stroke my hand over his hair. Leo looks down again and start to sob against my chest. I guess this 'nightmare' is hurting him real bad... I just want to know so I can help him. "It's okay."

Leo shakes his head slowly.
"No..." He answers as he looks up at me again. I look straight into his beautiful, brown eyes and smile slightly.
"Leo, you're the person I love most in the world and I can't stand with you being hurt like this. You're the most beautiful person I've ever met and you'll always be. Now please tell me what your dream was about, I just wanna help you." I say comfortingly, hoping to make him feel better.

Leondre sits up slowly and scratches his red, puffy eyes. He then looks away from me and and opens his mouth.
"I dreamed that you..." He starts, but falls silent. I grab his hand tightly and kiss it.
"That I did what?" I ask calmly, looking at him.
"That- That you-" Leo starts, but it's like he doesn't know what to say.

"Take a deep breath." I say and squeeze his hand. He does as I say and stays quiet for a while. My whole body fills with worry. And then Leo starts talking again.

"Cheated on me..." Leo blurts out as he bursts out in tears and I can't believe my ears. What?! Okay, sure. It was just a dream, but what made him think that?

"I- What?" I ask confused, still trying to take in the information. Leo sits with his back against me, crying. I don't know what to say, I'm not mad at him or anything, even though he might think that. I sort of get disappointed at myself instead for making him feel like that, or at least dream about it.
I quickly crawl forward and pull him into a hug.
"I-I'm sorry." He stutters, not hugging back.

"Hey, it isn't your fault. It's absolutely not your fault. Can you tell me about the dream?" I ask softly, pulling away from the quick hug. I look straight into his eyes and rub my thumb over his cheek, wiping some tears away on the way.

Leo lets out some small sobs and tries to be quiet, but the sobs won't stop leaving his mouth. I can see how he gets really irritated because of it and I kiss his nose.

"It's okay to cry." I smile which causes him to smile slightly as well. I feel my heart race when I see his beautiful smile spread on his lips. Two years later and he still makes me feel these emotions. "Wanna tell me?"

Leondre nods slowly and starts telling me about his dream.
"I woke up in my bed, the party still hadn't finished. I went out to the kitchen to drink some water and then decided to go to the bathroom before I went to bed again, and find you. But when I walked in on the toilet, I saw you..." Leo starts and looks down at his hands as if he is ashamed when he falls silent.

"And who...?" I ask slowly, I wanna know. I don't know why, I just... I don't know.

WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?! I would never do that to Leo! Especially not with Mike, he's just a disgusting asshole.
I feel a tear escaping my eye and I immediately wipe it away.
"You were making out with him and I started to cry. I asked why you were cheating on me and you told me that making out wasn't cheating..." Leondre finishes and I look up at him a bit hurt, but he's just as hurt as me. "It seemed so real..."

I pull him into a hug again, I won't let go this time.

"I would and will never ever do that to you Leo, I love you too much." I say, trying to hold back the tears that is threatening to pour out of my eyes.
"So it was just a dream...?" Leo asks, still insecure about that part.
"Yeah, I promise you." I say as I lie down in bed with Leondre resting on my chest. I pull up the blanket over us both and turn off the bedside lamp.

I can still hear quiet sobs escaping his mouth. I stroke my hand over his hair and down over his back, before moving it upwards again and starting to play with his hair. I dig my hair deep into it and move them around slowly, but not so it hurts.
The sobs get quieter and quieter and after a while they have all fall silent.
"It was just a dream, a stupid one. Leondre, I can promise you that I will never do that to you. You trust me?" I whisper softly into his ear and he nods his head slowly after just a few seconds. "Good, I love you."

"I love you too." Leo mumbles tiredly. It doesn't take long before we are both asleep again.

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