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Leondre's POV:
We are sitting in Charlie's car on our way to... I have no fucking idea where because he won't tell me. I don't know this side of town very well so that doesn't really help either.
I look out of the car window, watching the people on the street walk pass. It's starting to get really cold outside, the winter will be here soon. I like the winter though, I like the snow and the cold, cozy feeling in some way.
If someone asked me a few years ago, I would tell them that the winter is the most depressing and lonely time of the year. I felt so lonely and sad when I saw everyone else with their friends and family. But now I have Charlie. And thanks to Charlie I even got my mother back. And my siblings. I'm not alone anymore.

"Close your eyes." Charlie says suddenly and turns his head to me. I give him a confused look and frown slightly. He looks at me with big puppy eyes. "Please, just do as I say."
I smile at him and close my eyes. We drive for a few more minutes, not saying a word to each other. The radio is off so it's deadly quiet, only the sound of the car engine is heard.

We take a few more turns and then Charlie seems to be parking or something because he drives and few meters and then drives in reverse and then forward again.
Suddenly the engine falls silent and I'm on my way to open my eyes, but he stops me.
"You still can't look." He says, placing a soft kiss on my cheek before opening the car door. "Wait here."

Charlie disappears out of the car, but it doesn't take many seconds before I hear my car door open.
"Come on." I hear Charlie's voice say and then he helps me out of the car. We walk over some street and into some kind of building. Charlie places his hands over my eyes, making sure I'm not looking. I hear people talking around us as Charlie leads me through the room. We walk up two stair steps and then he lets go of me.
"Okay, open your eyes." He says and I slowly do as he tells me. My eyes hurt a bit at the sudden light, but soon I get used to it. When I look around I see that we are in a really fancy restaurant and in front of us is a table for two with roses and candles. It's so beautiful.

I look up to see Charlie standing opposite me on the other side of the little table. He smiles like an idiot.
"It's so beautiful, Charlie." I smile and hug him tightly.
Our table seems to be in some sort of VIP-section, because it's like two stair steps higher than the other restaurant with rope barriers around it. I don't think I've ever been in such a fancy restaurant.

We sit down and order our food. While we wait I look up at Charlie.
"This is already the best night of my life." I say, showing off a big smile.
"Well, the best thing is that it isn't over yet." Charlie smiles back and winks at me. I can't help but blush, this man is driving me crazy.


"I've already ordered dessert for us." He says and I raise my eyebrows at him. We have just finished our dinner and I'm so happy. I can't believe Charlie is doing all this for me.
"Should I be scared?" I ask, letting out a soft giggle. Charlie shrugs his shoulders playfully as the waitress comes back to our table with a big cake. I look at Charlie again and frown, he just grins at me. Why has he ordered a whole cake for us? We can't eat all that.

The waitress places the cake on our table and we both thank her and then I look back at it. Oh. God.
There are some words spelled on the cake in some form of strawberry sauce. The cake is turned my way so I can read it perfectly. I almost get a heart attack. The cake says "will you marry me?". I gasp and look up at Charlie. He still has a huge smile plastered on his face as he stands up and kneels in front of me.
He pulls out a little red box from his pocket and holds it in front of himself. He stands on one knee and looks up at me.

"Leo, you're the most amazing person I've ever met. And I know that we've just been fighting, but I don't want to lose you again. So, Leondre Antonio Devries, will you make my life complete and marry me?" Charlie asks and opens the box. There's a diamond ring in there and I'm on the edge of tears. This all feels like a dream. Is this really happening?
Almost everything in the restaurant falls silent and everybody is looking at us. I hear some 'Aww's and happy sighs. Everybody is waiting for my answer. 'It would be a shame if I said 'no' now.' I quietly think to myself and try not to laugh. But then I feel sorry for Charlie, I mean, who could say 'no' to all this? He's just... perfect! I can't find any other words than 'perfect' right now.

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