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Charlie's POV:
Mike presses the knife against my stomach. I have to bite my tongue not to let out a scream in pain. The skin slowly open and the blood start pouring out of my body as he drags the knife over my lower stomach. The tears roll down my cheeks and for a second I just wish that I was dead.
"I'm gonna make you regret that you were born." Mike hisses and glares at me. I close my eyes and try to think away the pain, trying to ignore it.
I know for sure now that Mike will be capable to kill me. And I also know that Harvey needs to fucking hurry up if he doesn't want to arrive to his dead buddy's apartment.

Speaking of the devil, we suddenly hear a knock on the door. I mean, seriously? I call for help, saying that there's a freak in my house and that I'm going to die if he doesn't come as fast as he can and rescues me. And when he arrives, he fucking knoCKS AT THE DOOR! Is there anyone that wants to sell their brain? Because I think Harvey needs one.

"Expecting visitors?" Mike asks, cutting deeper. I start to breathe heavily. Then I start to worry. I mean, if my brainless friend is knocking on my door when there's practically a murder in my apartment, then he might think that nobody's in and just go home again. I mean, nothing would really surprise me.

"I think they can wait." Mike says, showing off another creepy smile. I hear knocking again and then it falls silent. My heart is pounding in my chest, which may or may not cause it to bleed even more from the wound.
My thoughts get interrupted by a door swinging open and footsteps coming closer. Before either me and Mike can react, the bedroom door opens and in comes four people. Mike falls off me in shock, which causes the knife to be dragged along my skin, leaving a deep scar. I scream in pain as Harvey rushes up to me.
"Get up with the hands on your head!" I hear an unfamiliar woman's voice say. Did Harvey bring the police?

I start to feel a bit dizzy as I feel hands push against the wound on my stomach. The police woman gets a gigantic plaster and place it on my skin. Harvey gets a glass of water to me as the polices lead Mike out of my apartment. It all happens pretty fast.
"You need to rest a bit." Harvey tells me, but I refuse and stand up from the bed. I start to feel a bit better.

Harvey looks confused at me.
"Charlie, what are you doing?" He asks, trying to make me stay in bed. I just walk past him to the end of the bed. I look down at the floor and see the letter that Mike ripped into pieces. I lean down and grab all the small pieces, walk out of the bedroom and place them on the dinner table, trying to puzzle them together.

Harvey and Mia follows behind and watch me as I try to figure out what the letter said.
"What is that?" Mia asks, standing behind me.
"It's from Leondre, Mike found it on the doormat." I explain, looking at the small pieces of paper.
"And you ripped it into pieces?" Harvey asks and I turn my head to look at Mia. I raise my eyebrows.
"Is he really this stupid all the time?" I ask her, slightly annoyed.
"Yup." She answers and Harvey looks confused at us both.

"What have I done now?" He replies innocently. Like I said; he needs a brain.
"Do you think that when Mike found Leondre's letter on the doormat he just gave it to me before he was threatening to kill me, and then when I have ripped it to pieces I decide to puzzle it together again?" I ask, glaring at him. He shrugs his shoulders.
"Yeah... Why not?" Harvey answers seriously. I sigh.
"I'm gonna make this clear for you; Mike ripped the letter into pieces, I tried to stop him. Okay?"
Harvey nods.
"Good, now help me with this." I say.


It takes a while, but then we have more than half of the letter puzzled together. I read through it.

No time for farewells, no chances for goodbyes.
No explanations, no fucking reasons why.

I immediately recognize the sentences.
"This is song lyrics." I explain to Mia and Harvey. "He always listened to this song."
"It sounds pretty deep." Mia answers, walking up to me. I keep reading.

I hope some night you'll be reading off this p
Can you hear me in the streetlight breathing ou
A dark emotion left me broken tied around my hea
Tied so tight there's not a feeling l
Maybe I should
I know that it's har
Our family is broken, our family is gone.
I'm writing this letter to tell you I can't carry on.

There's a few missing pieces still. I sit down on one of the chairs at the dinner table opposite Harvey with my head in my hands. Mia reads the letter over and over again, trying to figure out the missing words. After a while she looks up at me.
"Charlie..." She says slowly, concern in her voice. I look up at her with a sigh.
"Yeah?" I reply.
"This looks like a suicide letter..." She answers seriously. My eyes wide and I quickly stand up, reading the letter one more time. I see what she means. What if- No...

Now Harvey stands up too and gives me a serious look.

"Come on."

This chapter is hella boring, but I'm really fuhking angry so I'm gonna try to write a better chapter until Thursday. I had the worst day today, but yeah.

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