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Leondre's POV:
The next time we stop is at the cinema. I look at Charlie with a small frown on my forehead, he just smiles cheekily and gets out of the car, so I do the same. I guess he just wants to take me out to the movies? I hope it's some good movie though, because otherwise I'll fall asleep and then I'll feel really bad.

Charlie takes my hand and we walk inside, and up to the counter where they sell the tickets.
"Hi, I've booked two tickets." Charlie says, looking at the woman sitting inside the little cubicle. She's looking to be about thirty, but still pretty young for her age.
"Okay..." She replies slowly as I read "Jamia" (ellioth, I just had to) on the name tag. She presses a few keys on the keyboard connected to the computer, and then she looks back up at Charlie. "What's your name?"
"Charlie Lenehan." He answers and looks at me smiling. "Soon to be Lenehan-Devries."

The woman who seems to be called Jamia looks up at us both with a big smile on her lips. She notices us holding hands.
"Are you going to get married?" She asks and Charlie nods happily. The anxious inside me tells me that she'll be disgusted and that she probably hates gay-people, but she just smiles even more.
"Aw! That's so cute, you look so beautiful together!" She exclaims eagerly and I can't help but blush.
"Thank you very much." Charlie smiles, showing off his teeth.

Jamia turns back to the computer and write some more things on it. Then she turns back around and gets us two tickets to the movie. She hands them to us and we thank her again.
"The door to the left. Have a great night." She points, smiling and winks at us as we walk away. Charlie kisses my cheek and we continue over the room to the right door and walk in.

Charlie's POV:
We find our seats in the back of the cinema and take off our jackets and stuff.
"Are you going to tell me what movie we are going to watch?" Leo asks suddenly and I turn my head to look at him.
"You'll see." I smile and he sighs.

I take out my phone and see that I've received a text from Harvey. I open it and read.

From: Harveyyy
Is everything going like planned?

I smile at myself and feel Leo rests his head on my shoulder.
"Who are you texting?" He asks, looking down at my phone.
"Harvey." I reply and show him my phone before I text back.

To: Harveyyy

Leo looks up at me, giggling.
"Since when do you write that?" He asks, smiling his cute little smile that makes my heart totally melt.
"Since you said 'yes' proposal." I smile at him. I kiss his soft baby lips, smiling even more, before I look back at the phone again. I get a new text from Harvey.

From Harveyyy
Did he say yes???

To Harveyyy

From Harveyyy
Oh god, I'm so happy for you, bro!

Suddenly all the lights go off and the movie starts. I pull down my phone into the pocket of my tight jeans again and try to make my brain focus on the movie instead of how amazing Leo is.

I can't really write smut right now, it felt kinda weird, so I asked my wonderful friend Ellioth elliothmustdie to write it for me and they did and I'm so thankful for thaaaaat! So cred Ell for the smut sceeeneee, go follow theeem!❤️❤️

Leondre's POV:
We have seen a little less than half of the movie and it's pretty interesting. Not exactly my taste in movies, but it's not that bad. Suddenly I feel Charlie's hand on my lap. I look down at it and then up at him, but he doesn't seem to notice himself, he looks like he's really into the movie. I decide not to mind it and continue watching the movie.

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