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Charlie's POV:
We sit down in the kitchen and Leo starts to tell me about dreams he's been having. At first I just think he's lying, trying to cover up that he's been cheating on me. But when I see the tears rolling down his cheeks when he's talking, I realize that he's telling me the truth. Now that I think about it, why in the world would he cheat on me? He's the sweetest guy I've ever met and I still remember the first time I met him. He was so shy and broken. He would never do something like that to anyone.

Leo tells me that he's been having dreams of me beating him up, cheating on him, calling him things, breaking up with him. He says that the dreams only got worse and worse and that he didn't want to tell me about it. When he's done I just look at him in shock. He bursts into tears and I just sit there not knowing what to do.
"Why didn't you want to tell me about it?" I ask when I get enough courage to.
"Because I thought you wouldn't trust me, that you just would think I made it up or something." Leo explains and I immediately feel really ashamed for thinking that he actually made it up. I don't get why I didn't trust him, I mean, he always trusts me. I feel like the world's worst boyfriend right now.

I feel the tears burn in my eyes. I can't help but think about all the times Leo has told me things through the years and I haven't trusted him. And every time he has been right. Every single time. He hasn't lied to me once. And I never trust him. I can't hold back the tears anymore. I let them run down my cheeks in silence. I just wanna go back in time and undo all the fights we've been having though the years. I wanna take away all the pain I've caused him.

"Why are you crying?" Leo asks suddenly and pulls me into a hug.
"I-I just feel like the worst boyfriend ever." I sob into his shoulder.

"Why?" He asks confused.
"Because of all the times I haven't trusted you and you've been telling the truth the whole time." I admit with the tears pouring down my face.
"Every time you think that, then remember that you saved me. Without you I would probably not be alive. I would've been kicked out of my home and live on the streets for the last of the years."

That makes me cry even more, I can't even imagine what he's been through. And then I help him and he moves in here and I just keep fighting with him. Okay, I officially hate myself right now.

"I'm really fucking thankful that I found you and you took care of me." Leo says with an emphasis on the swearword which makes me laugh.
"And I'm thankful that I found you, 'cause otherwise my mum would still be yelling at me at home." I reply and Leo chuckles. "I love you."
"I love you too."

We pull away from the hug and I start to dry my tears with my sleeve, but Leo pulls away my arm from my face.

"Let me do that." He smiles and looks at me lovingly. He places his hand on my cheek and stares into my eyes. Leo slowly moves his thumb over my cheek, wiping away the tears. I smile slightly and then he leans in. Our lips touch and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I completely forget about last night when Leo was drunk. I just love those moments, I wish that life could be like this all the time.

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