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    LATER THAT NIGHT, Genevieve returned to the house she was used to sharing with Detective Espinoza by now — however, not before she had spent hours wandering around the busy streets of the city. For the first time during her stay on Earth, Genevieve felt lost and without a purpose to keep her going. She had been so hellbent on getting revenge on Lucifer, on making him pay for abandoning her, but he had left her weak with his apologies and promises of helping. He successfully made her doubt herself, and if there was more to the woman than the infamous Killer Queen. She no longer desired to hurt Lucifer, not so much at the very least, because now the man knew her pain and maybe that was enough for now — for tonight.

     Time flew by like with wings — ironically enough — when Genevieve walked in the night that slowly turned dark as the sun set into the horizon, and once she understood that hours had passed and the feet of her human form were starting to ache in the red heels she was still wearing, the queen headed home. Or, well, not home, because that would have meant returning to Hell — but then again, that was yet another thought that was heavily resting in her mind, planting the idea of going back. But at least tonight, she still returned to Dan.

     The demon had barely stepped indoors, when Dan had caught her attention by clearing his throat, and with confusion pushing her eyebrows together, Genevieve stared at the detective whilst shutting the front door quietly. Dan was standing there with his arms crossed and a demanding look in his eyes, and despite her initial reaction being confusion, it didn't take Genevieve very long to realize that this was Dan's first — and probably only — attempt to defy the queen and squirm out of her tight, compelling grip. And once she realized this, she couldn't help but snort at the dominance Dan was trying to gain over the situation, very aware that his chances on winning weren't that convincing.

     "What is it, Daniel? You want me to stop eating so many Pop-Tarts? Share the bed? Choose the channel for once?", Genevieve chuckled as she shrugged off her coat, but before she could hang it, the man stepped in and stopped her from doing so.

     "You need to leave, Genevieve. Leave my house and my life. I don't know how you've managed to get me under this spell, but there comes a time in every addict's life where it's either giving up and giving in or fighting back. I choose to fight. Because you're worse than any drug. And I know that if this continues, I'll end up dead sooner than I'd like to", Dan nodded knowingly, his eyes opened — most likely after Genevieve had explained her true identity and her relationship to Lucifer during the interrogation.

     Eyes widening, Genevieve licked her lips briefly before leaning towards Dan and lifting an eyebrow in disbelief. "Or what?", she fought back, and with impeccable timing, a woman stepped out of Dan's bedroom with a defiant stare in her eyes. "Oh, bloody hell", Genevieve muttered the words her husband often spoke, especially at the sight of Mom standing there, all goddess-like and ready to smack Genevieve if she were to argue more. "Is this a thing now? Because frankly, I am disgusted", the queen nodded towards both Charlotte and Dan, as she spoke through gritted teeth before angrily grabbing her jacket and putting it back on.

KILLER QUEEN ↝ Lucifer Morningstar | 1Where stories live. Discover now