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IT TOOK GENEVIEVE some strength and courage, but the next day, the queen headed over to Dr. Martin's office to talk about the things she had avoided ever since Lucifer had gone to Hell. The subject was like a therapist's goldmine, as that day had brought up so much suffocated feelings and thoughts on Genevieve's behalf, and seeing Lucifer almost die and spend an eternity in the kind of torment she no longer wanted to inflict on him, changed something within her. She gave up on vengeance, and was more determined to become the queen Lucifer always intended, and that was precisely what intrigued Linda.

The chat was long overdue, which was why Linda welcomed the Shedevil into her office with a smile across her face, beyond ready and excited — on a professional level, of course — to dig into the matter and continue helping Genevieve through the emotional hardships in her nearly immortal life.

"Well, how are you?", Dr. Martin began with a rather mundane question, one that Genevieve responded to with a shrug. She could have talked about the excitement she had felt when she got to spend time with Trixie Decker, or the anger and hatred she felt towards her mother-in-law, or the despicable hunger for Pop-Tarts that was becoming uncontrollable. But she brought up none of those things, because she knew what they were going to mostly talk about, and when Genevieve didn't go into depth about her week, Linda took it as a sign to proceed. "How is... Lucifer? How are things with Lucifer?", the therapist then questioned, making Genevieve smile slightly.

And surprisingly, it wasn't a sad smile, nor a sarcastic one. It was genuine, one that only the mention of her husband caused. "Things are, well, better, I suppose. We're no longer trying to kill one another, if that's what you wish to know. I think we're trying to be the team we never truly got to be", Genevieve elaborated, and the sweet smile on her lips was contagious enough to make Linda mirror the happy expression. She wasn't happy for Genevieve only, but as someone who had seen Lucifer's best and worst moments, the light and the dark in him, Dr. Martin was profoundly pleased that he wasn't so lonely and lost anymore.

Linda couldn't exactly tell Genevieve anything about her sessions with Lucifer, but she vividly remembered the conversations she had had with the man about his wife, and how he had admitted to missing her, and how he was sad to have lost her, upset that he ever turned her back on her. How deeply sorry and full of regret he was for hurting Genevieve. And now that Genevieve seemed to feel the same way, the part in Linda that was rooting for the two as a couple, was swelling with joy.

"I remember you saying some really meaningful things back in the hospital. You admitted that you were sorry, and you also... you hoped he wouldn't leave you again", Linda spoke quietly, a lump rising in her own throat as well, as she eyed Genevieve nervously. "Yes, I memorized what you said — in a totally professional way, but... I think it was a really important moment for you, not as the Shedevil, not as the infamous Killer Queen, but as Genevieve Morningstar. A person, with feelings. And a wife, who clearly loves her husband very much", the blonde continued, nodding at Ginny, who tore her gaze away from Dr. Martin to stare at the wall silently.

KILLER QUEEN ↝ Lucifer Morningstar | 1Where stories live. Discover now