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GENEVIEVE MISSED LINDA and her surprisingly helpful advice, so the next day, once she found the strength to leave the warm bed she shared with Lucifer, the Shedevil headed over to her therapist's office. Of course, Genevieve refused to admit that she ever missed anything — except Lucifer's strong arms around her smaller body, the scent of his aftershave lingering in the air, his thick accent through the whispers tickling her neck or the feeling of muscular, toned chest beneath her fingertips. But she did wish to talk to Linda, as the woman was Genevieve's friend. Or so she believed — Genevieve didn't really know the definition of a friend, since she didn't really have any. Nonetheless, the yearning in her black heart was enough to drive her to Dr. Martin's door, her knuckles gently coming in contact with it to demand her attention.

However, instead of being answered by Linda, the door was swung open by Mazikeen, and the sight of the demon caused Genevieve's faint smile to reform into a scowl. "What are you doing here?", Maze was quick to grow hostile and frustrated, and it caused Genevieve to clench her jaw and roll her dark brown eyes around once before offering the fellow demon an answer.

"You're not the only one who finds Linda worth her time", was Ginny's simple answer as she pushed past Maze, shoving her aside so she could step inside the room, only to find Linda packing her things. The sight caused Genevieve's confidence and smugness fade into surprise and worry, and whilst her eyebrows knitted together and her lips turned into a frown, the therapist gave her a sad smile. "What's happening here? Moving into a new office?", the queen wondered, turning around quickly to face Maze before returning her gaze to Linda, but much to her dismay, there was disappointment and sadness visible on both of their faces.

"Since I helped you and Lucifer escape the mental institution, I'm no longer qualified for the job of a therapist. If any job, really", Linda sighed.

And finally, the same disappointment Genevieve had found in the doctor and the demon, landed onto her face. "But... I need you", she muttered quietly, worried what was going to happen next, but before anyone could offer her any words of comfort, Mazikeen had interjected with the intention of pinning the blame on someone rather specific.   

"Yeah, thanks to your precious husband, Linda's losing her job. Because he never thinks of others, and how his actions affect those around him", Maze spoke up, venom dripping in her tone, and it caused Genevieve to turn around as the worry on her features became replaced with the fury that ignited rather quickly.

"Don't", Genevieve growled instantly, her eyes growing ablaze as she glared at Mazikeen. "I can assure you, those who hurt and offend Lucifer, don't get away with it", the queen vowed, all up in her defensive wife mode, one that she was still getting used to — although, it seemed to come quite naturally from her, the protective words rolling off of her sharp, wicked tongue with ease. And it did shut Maze up for a moment, in the knowledge that even if she was a soul-torturing demon from Hell, Genevieve wasn't to be messed with, especially when it came to Lucifer. The Shedevil didn't care about much, but Lucifer had gone through more than most people and for that very reason, Ginny was going to protect him from any more unnecessary heartache and tragedies.

KILLER QUEEN ↝ Lucifer Morningstar | 1Where stories live. Discover now