Love Rival~ (Gray)

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I'm sorry I'm not very consistent, I'll try though.  Hope you guys enjoy this one!

(F/d) = Favorite Drink

Kawaii = cute

"-san" = Mr./Ms./Mrs.

With that said, let's get on with the story~

"This is our newest member, Juvia!" Master Makarov introduced.  "Kawaii, isn't she?" 

Juvia curtseyed and smiled cheerfully.  "Nice to meet you all!"

Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that she only joined for Gray?  Oh well, at least she's a friend and not a foe anymore!

Gray chuckled with crossed arms.  "So you really joined, huh?" 

"Thank you for your help back at Akane," Erza told her politely with a small smile.

"It's all thanks to everyone!" the blue-haired girl responded, her smile never fading.  "Juvia will work her hardest!" 

"All the best!" Lucy cheered in the same positive tone.

"We welcome you, Juvia!" you added, pumping a fist.

In the blink of an eye, her aura turns from bright and sunshiny to dark and jealous in an instant.  "LOVE RIVALS," she deadpanned.

"Um, not really..." Lucy trailed off, sweat-dropping.

You sighed, shaking your head.  "You're still not over that yet, huh?" 

"Especially you, (Y/n)-san!" Juvia exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at you dramatically.  "I will not lose Gray-sama to you!" 

You blinked, feeling your cheeks starting to warm.  "E-eh?" you stuttered.

"Don't act innocent!" she continued.  "Gray-sama told me that he would rather give his life than let us take Lucy-san or hurt any of his friends...ESPECIALLY (Y/n)-san!" 

You face started to heat up even more as Gray joined in the conversation.  "O-OI!" he hissed, embarrassed.  "Don't tell her that!" 

"H-hai, Gray-sama," she agreed, obeying his request before turning back to you.  "(Y/n)-san!  One last reminder--Gray-sama is mine and I will not hand him over to you easily!" 

With that, she flashed you one last look of determination before turning on her heel and walking off.

You stared after her, speechless.  Great, you thought to yourself.  Right when I think I can make some new friends, this girl has to like the one guy I have a crush on.  Why couldn't it be anyone else in the guild?

"(Y/n)?" a voice asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.  "You all right?" 

You shook your head to get rid of your previous thoughts, and looked at Gray, who was talking to you.  "I'm fine, Gray, thanks for asking.  I just think she's getting the wrong idea...she obviously thinks we are a couple." 

"Y-yeah..." He scratched the back of his head sheepishly.  "I should've never told her what I said on the roof when fighting her that day." 

"Huh?" you asked, then realized what he was talking about.  "Oh, that.  It's fine, Gray--it makes me happy to see that I have people who care about me so much.  Thank you." 

He flushed ever so slightly, and looked away, adverting his eyes.  "Yeah, yeah..." 

Time skip brought to you by Makarov passing on the guild master title but always having it returned to him~

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