Weirdo (Rogue)

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Yo minna!  I'm sorry I've been inactive, things have been busy.  Hope you guys understand.  But I have another story for y'all...I apologize if Rogue seems a bit OC.  In this story Sting doesn't exist (sorry Sting I love you but you don't fit in the story right now).

Also it's written in 3rd POV.  Wanted to try this.

(H/c) = Hair Color

(E/c) = Eye Color

(Y/f/n) = Your Full Name

Daijobu = Are you okay?

Chotto-matte = Wait

Rogue gazed out of the window, sighing heavily. This school's education isn't nearly as good as Sabertooth High School's, he silently complained, thinking back to his previous school.

He tore his gaze away from the window, gazing at his fellow classmates, who were still struggling with the quiz he had finished five minutes ago. He scoffed, and mentally dubbed them all as idiots, but him being the smartest in the class only made him feel even more out of place.

His old school, Sabertooth Middle School, hadn't been the most perfect place, but for Rogue, it had been much, much better than this broken-down excuse for a school. His family, which only consisted of his mother and himself, had to move from another city to Magnolia, their current home. Apparently it offered his mother a better "opportunity."

He was trying to adjust to this new setting, mostly for the sake of his mother, but it was hard to when he was just so...different than everybody else here. Besides, he had transferred into his school in November. It was after the first month of school and barely anyone paid attention to him (he swore that a teacher forgot to call his name during attendance once).

He hated this stupid school. With a strong passion.

That's why he basically gave up on finding new friends and decided not to get attached to the school this time. After all, you never know if he's going to be moving again. He missed his friends deeply and he didn't want to make new friends--he didn't want to go through the pain of missing friends again.

My life sucks.

His red eyes swept across the classroom again, and, unlike the last time he looked at his fellow classmates, he spotted one unique classmate this time. She had (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and had her eyes glued to a book. Her face held that of anticipation, and she leaned a bit closer to the book, her attention completely captivated by the story she was reading.

She may have been smart enough to finish early, Rogue reasoned in his head, but she's still acting weirdly. What a weirdo.

Right at that moment, the bell rang. Students who hadn't finished the quiz (which was more than half) handed their papers in before practically bursting out of the door. Rogue, who was more than willing to leave, couldn't wait any longer and rushed out with the rest of the students.

Walking down the hall swiftly, he pulled out his schedule and checked his next class. Mathematics, he thought as he tucked his schedule away. That class should be okay--

His thoughts were abruptly cut off when his body came in contact with another force, causing the two of them to tumble to the ground, Rogue's binder and books scattering all over the cold floor.

He heard a small gasp, and somebody say, "Gomen-ne-sai! Daijobu?!"

He groaned quietly, and he opened his eyes to find himself staring directly into a pair of (e/c) eyes. Startled, he jumped back, and once he had gotten a clear view of her, he recognized her as the weirdo girl in his class.

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