Treasure Every Moment With Him (Mystogan)

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Yo, minna!  I'm back!  I hope you enjoy the following chapter.

(H/c) = Hair Color.

(E/c) = Eye Color.

Gomen-ne-sai = I'm sorry 

Demo = but 

Iyada = I don't want to

"Mystogaaaan~" you whined.  "Why do you have to go on another trip?  You just got back two days ago!" 

He sighed, slinging his pack of magical staffs over his shoulder.  "You know I have to close the Animas around the world, (Y/n)," he told you, grabbing stuff from around the room.  "It's my responsibility." 

"Demo, we don't even hang out anymore," you complained, puffing your cheeks out as you followed him around.  "Do you know how lonely it gets sometimes, even with the guild recklessly destroying everything everyday?"

He froze slightly at these words, and turned to you.  His dark eyes bored into yours, and you felt your heart beating slightly faster than normal.

"(Y/n)," he said softly, offering a small smile.  "Gomen-ne-sai.  If I don't close the Animas, you know many lives would be lost." 

You sighed, knowing that there wasn't any other choice.  "I know..." 

He lifted a hand and ruffled your (h/c) hair, making you giggle.  "I'll be back in three days' time," he promised, "in time for Magnolia's annual Harvest Festival, okay?  We can spend a day together then." 

Your (e/c) eyes brightened immediately.  "Really?" 

"Of course," he answered, putting his mask back on.  "Don't miss me too much while I'm gone, all right?"

Giggling, you tucked in a strand of blue hair into his mask, and replied, "Impossible." 

Time Skip brought to you by Gemini's "Piri-piri"

You hissed in pain as one of the lightning strikes hit your arm.  "Watch it, Bolt Boy!" you shouted, glaring at him.  "It's your fault that I'm not spending the day with Mystogan!" 

"That's what you're concerned about while I'm destroying Magnolia?!" Laxus demanded as you jumped back to dodge another attack.

You scoffed.  "Obviously.  Mystogan is my best friend and you messed up my chance to spend time with him!" 

"Tch," he muttered.  "I don't need annoying pests like you in my future guild!  Disappear, (Y/n)!" 

Your eyes widened as he gathered a great amount of magic power to blast towards your way.  You cursed under your breath and clenched your fists, preparing yourself for the worst.  Even you knew that you wouldn't be able to stand after this.

Suddenly, the familiar sensation of a presence you knew all too well appeared behind you, and the footsteps of your best friend echoed throughout the building.

You smiled, relieved that he was here.  "Took you long enough!" you teased, turning around to face the masked man.

"I apologize, (Y/n)," he greeted, his voice muffled as he stepped next to you.  "I was planning to arrive earlier, but my schedule got slightly held back." 

"It's all right," you reassured him, facing Laxus, whose attack had disappeared after realizing Mystogan was here.  "This psycho here was just about to attack me." 

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