New Year's Special

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*thousands of fireworks go off in the background* WOOHOO!!

2018, guys!  I honestly can't believe it, it feels just like yesterday that 2016 was here.  Anyways, Happy New Year to all--let 2018 be a step towards a brighter future for all of us!

Minna = everyone

Ohayo = good morning/hello

Soyo = that's right

Demo = but

Urusai = be quiet

Mattaku = honestly

You busted open the doors of your beloved guild, grinning like a maniac as you shouted at the top of your lungs, "HAPPY NEW YEAR, MINNA!" 

You received many cheers and whoops in return, causing your smile to widen (if possible).  You couldn't believe that a year had passed by yet again--and, of course, it was time for Fairy Tail's annual massive party that would last until two o'clock in the morning (or until everyone passed out, you know, whichever one came first).

"(Y/n), ohayo!" Mira chirped with a bright smile as she finished decorating the guild with colorful and bright decors.

"Yo, Mira~!" you responded, smiling as you sat down by the bar.  "Place's looking pretty nice!" 

"Arigato," she said, her sweet smile never fading.  "Demo, I think it's the guild itself that really brings out the positivity, not the decors!" 

You looked around, your (e/c) eyes scanning through all of your nakama.  "Soyo," you agreed, a look of reminisce plastered on your dreamy face.


You jumped, startled, when a booming voice hollered at you from across the room.  Before you even knew what was happening, you were tackled to the ground by a familiar and energetic pink-haired male, who had his arms wrapped around your waist.

You blushed, pushing his arms off of you.  "Natsu, be more civilized, will you?" you scolded.

He stood up, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.  "Yeah...gomen." 

You tried your best not to squeal at the sight of him--he was so kawaii~!

"Mou~did you get scolded by (Y/n) again, Natsu?" a familiar blonde friend of yours questioned exasperatedly as she trudged over to join the two of you.

"Lucy!" you greeted brightly, smiling.  "Happy New Year!" 

She smiled back at you, giving you a thumbs-up.  "Happy New Year, (Y/n)~!" 

"Anyways, today's going to be the best!" Natsu declared, pumping his fist.  "I'm all fired up!  There's gonna be games and food and dancing and food and contests and food and fighting and food!  Isn't it great?!" 

"Uppa~!" Happy added, jumping into the air.

You giggled, nodding and patting his head.  "Yeah, that does sound pretty cool," you admitted.

Your smile brightened even more once you heard your favorite ice mage's voice.  "Natsu, you baka, you've said food more than once.  You're gonna give (Y/n) a headache." 

The fire dragon slayer glared at Gray.  "What's it to you?  Butt out."

"OI, NO NEED TO START ANOTHER WAR," you interrupted, rubbing your temples tiredly.  "Today, I expect nothing but peace and fun from the both of you, you understand me?!" 

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