New School Life (Gajeel)

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*confetti pop*

CELEBRATION TIME! *awkward dancing* *ugly crying*

Seriously, I appreciate every single one of you out there. Thanks so much for reading! <3

As requested, we need some love for our iron dragon slayer~!  Sorry about the long wait, beloved reader, there are some difficulties in reality...ahahahaha...

(F/f) = favorite food

Ojou-san = miss/young lady

Kawaii = cute

Hai = yes (except with a question mark it can mean "excuse me" or "what")

You awkwardly smiled at your new peers as you scanned the room, examining each one carefully while trying to avoid eye contact to the best of your abilities.  Though you were incredibly unsociable and had a difficult time making friends, you were determined to push away your fears and make at least one new friend.

While the teacher introduced you, you continued to study the students; accidentally, your eyes met one of them.  You tensed up upon seeing those red eyes pierce into your soul, and you wondered if he was wearing contacts.  You also noticed that he had long, untamed hair and multiple piercings.

Almost immediately, you averted your gaze away and timidly gripped your backpack, mentally beating yourself up for giving a bad first impression.  You made it a new goal to never talk to that person ever again.

"(Y/n)," your teacher called, jerking you out of your thoughts.  "Why don't you introduce yourself, sweetie?"

You nodded before rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly.  "Um, hi, I'm (Y/n) (L/n)," you started with a small smile.  "I love eating (f/f) and procrastinating by browsing the internet.  A-and, um, yeah...that's pretty much it..."

You wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

"Thank you, (Y/n), you can sit over there," the teacher told you, gesturing toward a seat near the back left of the classroom, "next to Gajeel."

Your gaze shifted over to where she was pointing at and froze upon seeing that it was the same guy who had stared at you earlier.  He was still staring at you with those sharp but lazy eyes as you gulped.

"O-okay," you agreed hesitantly before making your way to your seat, stiffly passing your classmates.

Deciding that not talking to him would be pretty much impossible, you decided to suck up your stupid anxiety and make the scariest choice of your entire life.


He tilted his head in your direction.  "Hey," he responded gruffly.

You smiled at him; he replied, which was definitely a good sign.  "I'm (Y/n)," you whispered as you took a seat, setting your backpack down.

"I know," he mumbled back, rolling his eyes.  "You said that five seconds ago."

You giggled before taking out a pencil and took a few moments to muster up the courage to ask a question.  "Gajeel, right?"

"Mm," he grunted, arms crossed.

Even though most people would see this as rude, considering he wasn't even making eye contact with you, the fact that he wasn't ignoring you was enough to widen your smile.

Time skip~!

Despite you feeling like you'd at least became acquaintances with Gajeel, Phantom Lord Middle School was not the friendliest place to be.  People were eyeing you when you walked down the hall, causing your self-consciousness to take over your thoughts.

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