Hey, It's a Love...Maze Now? (Gray)

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Hey guys, Part Three of "Cinder(y/n)" will come out soon enough.  At least, I hope.  I procrastinate a loooot...and now that school's starting, it's even worse than ever. *sigh*

I actually wasn't going to do this but since this was requested, I suppose I'll whip something up for my few readers. *smiles*

Daijobu = It's okay

Ja, let's get on with the story.  Let's goooo my squad~!

You and most of your guild mates just got back from Tenrou Island.  Suddenly, you feel so old--you've been on that freaking island for seven years?! *shudder*, it's creepy just thinking about it.  Not as scary as Acnologia, though...

Anyways, you were enjoying your cold/warm (f/d) when the guild doors suddenly burst open.  You turned to see five familiar silhouettes in the doorway.

"Ara, welcome!" Kinana greeted cheerfully.

"Oh!" one of the figures exclaimed.  "Looks like the gang's all here."

"Who in the world are they?" Elfman wondered, staring at them.

Your eyes widened, a small smile gracing your lips.  "Don't tell me...!"

"Let me congratulate you with love on your homecoming, everyone!" Sherry chirped as she winked cutely.  You noticed she was wearing extremely revealing clothing, and rolled your eyes.  As expected, ne...

Toby turned around and barked a little.

"Are you all safe and sound?" Jura questioned with a grin.

"They may have not aged in seven years, but still..." Yuka agreed, and you giggled when you noticed his bushy eyebrows have not changed in the slightest.  Actually, they might have even become thicker.

Lyon scoffed, though his eyes told you that he was happy.  "Are you gonna go back to being a boisterous guild?"

You smiled, giving a small wave.  "Yo, Lyon-kun!"

He nodded back at you.  "Nice seeing you here, (Y/n)!"

"You're...!" Gray realized.

Lucy blinked.  "Lamia Scale!"

As the said guild members waved, Max explained, "Pegasus and Lamia were both a big help in the search for Tenrou Island."

"Oh, really?" Erza asked, smiling.

"I guess we're in their debt now..." Gray sighed.

"Don't worry about it," Lyon waved it off, his smile never wavering.  "Pegasus has overtaken us, but we've got more powerful members."

"That's what you mean?" Gray grunted, sweat-dropping.

Time skip brought to you by all the broken wooden pieces in Fairy Tail because of Juvia's intense jealousy~

"After all, in these seven years, Lamia Scale has become the number two guild in Fiore," Sherry bragged, seemingly oblivious to the intense stare she was getting from Elfman, as well as the looks of jealousy coming from Evergreen.  "Too bad for you, (Y/n)-san."

You flashed her a look of annoyance as Lucy remarked, "Then, Pegasus is number one?"

"YOU REALLY THINK THAT'S POSSIBLE?!" Toby demanded, being overly dramatic, as usual.  "HOW CAN YOU EVEN SUGGEST THAT?!"

"Cool it," Yuka murmured, frowning.  "No, it's not Pegasus."

You tilted your head.  "Eh?  Really?"

"Come, let's change the subject," Jura suggested, placing his large hand on your shoulder.  "What's important is that everyone is safe."

You realized that a certain someone was being unnaturally silent, so you turned to your good old white-haired friend.  "Ne, Lyon-kun?"

He ignored you, and you followed his gaze to realize that he was staring intently at Juvia.  You face-palmed, groaning.  Not good, not good, NOT GOOD...

Lyon suddenly grabbed Juvia by the shoulders, and a light blush dusted his cheeks.  "I-is this what they call love at first sight?!"

"Eh?" Juvia peeped as she blinked.

Lucy covered her mouth.  "He came right out with it!"

Gray's eyes widened, panicking.  "I CAN TELL, THIS IS GONNA GET REALLY COMPLICATED!" 

"No kidding..." you agreed.

Shaking, Juvia slowly backed away from Lyon.  "W-wait, this means...Juvia..." she trailed off, and an image of her wild imagination popped up.  "PANDEMONIUM!"

Lucy smiled.  "She's got quite the imagination..."

"Gimme a break!" Gray complained.

You stared at the chart for a little white, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.  "Welp, at least she got one person right," you mused, staring at the place where it showed that you "hearted" Gray and Natsu.

"Ara, (Y/n)," Mira said suddenly, popping up behind you as you had a mini heart attack.  "Which one did Juvia get right?"

"N-n-n-none of your business!" you stammered, flushing deeply as you backed away.  "D-don't ask questions!"

You ran away and hid behind Gray's back, who flashed you a look of confusion before he spotted Mira fangirling in the distance.  He whispered the words, "Daijobu, I'll protect you."

Your blush only deepened, and you stared back into his navy eyes.  "G-Gray..."


You flinched as the shrilly voices of Mira and Lucy chorused this.  You saw them gushing over the scene from afar, and wondered how they even heard you and Gray's conversation.

You flinched even harder when you felt the menacing aura of Juvia's wrath.


I hope you guys enjoyed that.  I tried to come up with another theme, but decided to use an episode and change it up a bit.  Thanks and have a wonderful day, my friends~! <3

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