Defying Destiny (Natsu)

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Words aren't enough to express how sorry I am for not updating in such a long while.  School was a huge factor but then my parents are like HAHA GUESS WHAT WE GOING ON A LONG TRIP :D

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one-shot!  I know the Wonderland Arc needs to be finished but I really wanted to do this one.

This one-shot takes place in a game just so you know!  You will be the "antagonist" or the "villain" of the game while the "MC" will be this picture-perfect girl.  This is a Natsu fanfic.

You were laying down in a huge meadow of grass with your arms behind your head while a familiar pink-haired male laid next to you; the two of you enjoyed the nice breeze and the relaxing and warm sun against your skin.  You stared at the sky and wondered how it could be such a beautiful and breathtaking color.

"Heh, that one looks like Happy," you remarked while pointing to one of the clouds.  "Doesn't it?"

"It looks more like the bread and meat and rice and noodles and soup I had for breakfast today," he responded with a grin, remembering all the delicious food he had eaten.

"How the hell are you still so fit..." you muttered in disbelief.

"It's probably because of the coding," he gloated with a grin.

You rolled your eyes as his cockiness.  "Anyways, Natsu.  They're launching the game soon, you know," you pointed out.

He furrowed his eyebrows.  "Already?  Man, it feels like it's been so short since we were 'kids.'"

In truth, Natsu and you were never kids.  And, although you may look like teenagers/adults (however old you guys are) at the moment, you really weren't.

You two were beings that were created solely from codes.  Granted, usually, things created from code didn't have a mind, a soul, or a personality, but you two were created from a special software that people in the "real world" used to code you from.

You've been in this artificial and virtual world your entire life--ever since you were born into this world as a child until now.  And throughout your entire life, one person has stuck with you throughout it all.

Natsu Dragneel.

Your parents were coded to be one of those "workaholics" who didn't care about their kids and earned tons of money.  Since you were coded to be the antagonist, the scriptwriters decided to make you the cliched "rich spoiled girl." Thus, it was true that you were rich, but you never received any sort of love from your parents.

This is why you passed your birthdays with Natsu, you spent holidays with Natsu, you went on little adventures with Natsu--you basically did everything with him.  It was crazy, really, how much time you two spent together.

When you thought of it this way, the storyline of the game sounds a bit cruel.  A girl who only has one best friend but he gets taken away from her by this girl who looks better and acts better than her.

Who was the real villain in the story?

But it's not like you could change it.  You knew it was meant to be this way from the very beginning.  The plot was set in stone and there was a 0% chance the writers would change it.  This was why you cherished every moment with Natsu.

In the story, you and Natsu were supposed to be heirs to huge family companies.  Cliched, right?  Since you were both relatively wealthy, it was decided since your "birth" that you were engaged.  Of course, it's planned that later in the story, some perfect-looking and perfect-acting yet middle-class girl will come along and make Natsu fall in love with her.

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