New Year's Special

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HAPPY NEW YEAR, ALL!!  2019 already!  Omg, we're going to be reading this in the future and talking about how long ago 2019 was~!

I've prepared a special one-shot for you all for new year's.  I'm working on the Wonderland Arc, it should be out soon.

THANK YOU for all the views!  I appreciate each and every one of you!  Please, enjoy~!

Damare = shut up

Minna = everyone

"Okay, everyone!" Erza called, holding out an arm.  "This year, no fooling around!"

"Yeah!" Lucy agreed, frowning.  "Last year, we didn't even cook dinner because of how much chaos you guys were making!  Just focus, okay?"

You sighed and rubbed your temple.  "Something tells me that's not gonna be so easy..."

"Huh?!" Natsu demanded before crossing his arms.  "It wasn't my fault last year!  Obviously, some dim-witted idiot decided to knock over the lemonade and spill it on the music speaker!  Like, who does that?!"

Gray's eyes twitched at his comment before retorting, "Oh yeah?!  What about the completely ignorant fool who shattered all of the plates because you wanted to prove you could hold the most amount of plates?!"





"DAMARE!" Erza yelled before yanking on their hairs and smashing their heads together, knocking them down.  "This year, we'll be using paper plates so that doesn't happen again.  And we need to be more careful.  Understood?!"

"Yes, ma'am..." they mumbled weakly, defeated.

You rolled your eyes with a smile.  "Idiots, you're supposed to be working, not arguing," you chided while you mixed the cookie batter.

"I'm working, (Y/n)-chan~!" Sting, who had appeared out of nowhere, sang while he decorated the backyard with beautiful fairy lights.  "Are you proud of me~?  Are you, are you~?"

You knew that he was acting extra cute to try to earn your affection; you smiled fondly and shook your head.  "Yeah, yeah, Sting, good work."

"YAY~!" he cheered.

"SHUT UP AND STOP HOGGING (Y/N), BLONDIE!" the two males who were previously hit by Erza hollered.

"It's not my fault you two aren't doing anything..." Sting muttered, sweat-dropping before going back to work.

"(Y/n)," Rogue called, standing next to you as you glanced at him.  "What do you think?  Try a sample of the smoothie I'm making."

You smiled and nodded before opening your mouth.  He put the spoonful of smoothie in your mouth and you let out a delighted squeal as you tasted the refreshing flavor upon your tongue.

Quickly, you swallowed and reassured, "Don't worry, Rogue!  Your smoothie is the best!  You can probably even start a smoothie store with this talent!"

Grinning cutely at you, he replied, "Thanks, (Y/n).  I'm glad you like it; I'll make more for the others."

You nodded and went back to mixing the cookie mixture.  After you'd mixed it a bit longer, you went into the kitchen and frowned.

"Huh?" you murmured, looking around.  "I could've sworn we had some flour in here..."

Stepping out into the backyard where almost everyone was, you called, "Minna!  Has anyone seen the flour?!"

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