Tutoring the Idiot - Part One (Natsu)

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So I've been working on this one-shot, but it turned out so much longer than I thought.

Therefore, I'm going to split it up into two parts, but don't worry—I finished the whole thing.

Please enjoy and give feedback <3

She was standing in the pouring rain, watching her loved one drive away in his luxurious car. She was soaked from head to toe, her salty tears mixed with the rain, and she clasped her hands over her mouth to muffle her crestfallen sobs.

You, who sat on your comfortable sofa, stared at the woman on the TV. "How stupid," you muttered. "Why would anyone do that?"

"Do what?" your friend, who was in the kitchen eating all of your snacks, asked.

"Falling for someone beyond your reach," you responded, sighing. "It's so cliched and fake...if you know they don't like you, then why are you still chasing after them?"

Your friend laughed. "That's so something you would say," she remarked. "It's just because you, Miss (Y/n), have never fallen in love before, so you don't know what it's like."

You rolled your eyes with a sigh. While it was true you had never fallen for anyone before, you just couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to let go of someone you knew was a jerk.

Well, it's best not to judge, you thought, shrugging as you switched the show, even though I can't understand it...

Your eyes widened as you turned around. "Wait, are you eating my favorite snack that I just bought yesterday?" you demanded.

Your friend froze as she stared at you, wide-eyed. "Uh," she mumbled, laughing nervously. "Now, only a complete idiot would do that, right?"

"So you did," you concluded as you glared at her.

"Oh my god, (Y/n), you are so rude!"

"What are you talking about? You're the one who's eating all my food!"


Walking down the hallway, you scrolled through your phone as you sighed for the fiftieth time. "Seriously, I need to know what happens next," you sighed. "Stupid authors with their stupid cliffhangers..."

You heard yelling from the end of the corridor, but you brushed it off as just another measly fight amongst the lower grade students. Quickly, you plugged in your earbuds and played your favorite song to tune those useless, obnoxious students out.

As you hummed, feeling your mood cheer up rather quickly, you spotted the troublesome students running down the hallway. One of them had unique pink hair, which you assumed was obviously dyed, and he was running down the hallway with a wide smile. Behind him was a dark-haired male, chasing after the first student and yelling something after him.

You turned up the volume of the song and walked toward the side of the hallway to avoid them. You turned to face the windows, sighing.

What kind of idiots are running around at this unholy hour? you wondered. It's still so early...

Abruptly, something crashed into your shoulder and you yelped as you lost balance. You inevitably collapsed to the ground, groaning in pain, and your earbuds had been ripped out of your ears as your phone slid to the other side of the hallway.

Wincing in pain, you sat up as you fixated your gaze on the clumsy male who had run into you.

You realized that it was the pink-haired male, and he was scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Oops," he mumbled with a toothy grin. "My bad!"

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