My Imaginary Friend (Natsu)

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I know I haven't updated the Wonderland story in a while, and that'll be coming up soon (hopefully), but I just had to do this one.

It literally came to me half an hour ago, and it was so cute that I couldn't resist doing it.  I really hope you guys enjoy!

Few hours later:

This turned out to be...MUCH longer than I expected.  If you enjoy long chapters, read on ahead!

(S/n) = sibling name

(L/n) = last name

Demo = but

Baka = idiot

Arigato = thank you

Urusai = be quiet

Mattaku = honestly

Ara = oh

Nani = what

NOTE: I'm sorry if you live in a country where the school system isn't like the US system--can, change it as you read?  Thank you, it's much appreciated!

As a child, you've been more of a loner rather than a social butterfly.

Your parents focus more of their attention on (S/n), considering how likable and outgoing he/she is (if you don't have a sibling, I apologize--maybe replace with cousin or imaginary sibling).  It's not like they neglect you or anything--they're good parents, reading books to you most nights and praising you on your creative, messy drawings.  (S/n) also makes sure you feel loved by complimenting you occasionally and giving you warm hugs every now and then.  All in all, they treat you as a member of the family.

But you can tell that (S/n) is the more likable one out of you two.  When your parents meet up with others, they speak of (S/n) more so than you.  When you two compare your drawings, it's often (S/n) who gets commended more so than you.  When it comes to privileges, (S/n) has slightly more than you do.

However, you don't exactly mind it that much.  Sure, you get annoyed when (S/n) gets the last cookie, or when your relatives remember (S/n)'s name but not yours, but it's not something that makes you overly emotional.

That said, you do feel lonely sometimes.

(S/n) is independent and likes spending time on his/her own, while your parents are busy with work; your (grandparent/uncle/aunt), who supervises you while your parents are at work, barely does anything other than feed you, so you frequently found yourself alone, bored out of your mind with nothing to do.

You've been so lonely that you create a being out of your imagination in order to keep you company during those painfully silent days.  Due to your childish and wild imagination, this character has pink hair, dark eyes, and a weird, white scarf hanging around his neck.  He's kind, friendly, funny, and energetic.

Because you've been watching some Japanese cartoon shows (AKA anime) on TV, and because you'd "created" this imaginary friend on June 21st, the first day of summer, you decide to name him "Natsu." It means "summer" in Japanese.  As for his last name, he insists that it's "Dragneel"--it has something to do with a dragon raising him when he was younger.

You swear he's the craziest and wildest person you have ever met.  He has the most reckless personality, the loudest mouth, and the cutest of smiles.

Natsu Dragneel is your best friend, and has been since day one.

Time skip

"Ne, Natsu," you murmur as you sit, cross-legged, on your comfy bed.  "Do you know?"

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