Chapter one

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Valentina looks down at her watch. 9 A.M. Court should have started 8.30, but the prosecutor hasn't shown up yet. The jury is starting to get impatient, and so is judge Riley.

Judge Riley is a tolerant man. Tolerant enough to have suggested to wait for the prosecution to make an appearance. But surely, even he should know this is intolerable. At first, Valentina was glad to hear he was assigned to this case as he is one of very few judges that give the defense even a slight chance to make their case. Now, she was starting to doubt her first reaction.

Valentina turns and exchanged looks with her cliënt, Lincoln Garcia.

The corner of his lips was tugged upwards in a smirk- one that annoyed Valentina beyond limits. He knew that the prosecutor not showing up was only helping his case.

She quickly gestured for him to lose the smirk. She doesn't want him to look smug to the jury. The jury was already convinced he was guilty, and they were probably already planning on finding him so. They were prejudiced against him the minute trial started, as they needed a scapegoat to blame. It was tragic, really. Lincoln was being charged for a robbery he allegedly committed. Little did they know, Lincoln was merely the getaway driver- without him knowing it.

Valentina works a certain way. She doesn't allow her client to decide for themself wether they are going to tell her the truth or not. She demands that they do. She needs to know exactly what happened in order to get the best possible verdict from the jury. Because the best lie you tell, is the one you tell when you know the truth.

''He said he was just getting money'' Lincoln had said when she asked him what happened, ''How was I supposed to know it wasn't his money he was getting?'' .

Valentina already managed to make some of the jury doubt their verdict, but that's not enough. She wants to get Lincoln to walk which is why, Valentina was taking matters into her own hands. She was planning to move to dismiss the charges against Lincoln.

But something didn't feel right. Valentina has had a nasty gutache the minute she entered court and noticed that the prosecutor wasn't there yet. Kimberly McKinney, the prosecutor, was an awfully diligent woman- even more so than herself. Kimberly would have never shown up late for court. If anything, she's always a good hour early.

Needless to say, being late didn't fit Kimberly's character.

Valentina had actually been looking forward to that day. Considering Kimberly's character, she had probably already been working on her closing argument. She seemed like the kind the kind of woman who would do that- something Valentina looked down on. Valentina couldn't even imagine the look on Kimberly's face when the Judge approves of her motion to dismiss. She was certian it would bring her a certain satisfaction to see the look on Kimberly's face when she realizes that all her hard work went to vain. It serves her right. She shouldn't have been so certain to get so far when up against Valentina.

Valentina is a hardworking woman, yes, but not so much as to do things that aren't necessary. She gets things done, when they need to get done- preferably under extreme pressure due to procrastination.

She is a loyal believer of 'Pressure turns coal into diamonds'.

Valentina took another look at her watch before turning and glancing at Judge Riley.

As he was about to raise his gavel, presumably to adjourn this meeting for the day, the double doors opened loudly. Valentina, along with everyone else in the room, whipped her head around to see who entered.

In walks Levi Greyson.

Valentina recognized him immediately. Everyone who practices law, in whatever way, knows of Levi Greyson.

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