Chapter sixteen

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Hi guys! As Always, thanks for reading my book :) So this chapter is, in a way, the start of everything. I hope you've enjoyed this book so far, I know it took a while for the lawyer jargon to end and the romance to begin. As much as I love law and it's world, even I wanted to get that all over with because I have so much up my sleeve for Levi and Valentina and I just want to start writing the good stuff. Anyway, from now on, there'll be mostly romance and almost zero lawyer talk. For the song that I've attached to the chapter, make sure to listen to it! It's such a beautiful song, and Julia Michaels has such a beautiful voice! But most importantly, it reminds me of Valentina. It's almost creepy.

Okay, I'm going to stop distracting you from reading now. Happy reading and if you liked the chapter, please consider giving it a vote or even comment to tell me what you think!

Levi's heart broke piece by piece when he realized how much he's hurt her. That this was all his fault. He let go of her hands and they lowered to her sides.

''That's what this is about?'' He asked softly.

Valentina turned her head away from him, crossing her arms. She nodded ever so slightly, he almost missed it. He watched her close off, building a wall between them brick by brick. He had to break it down again.

''I'm sorry.'' He apologized for the hundredth time that day.

She still wouldn't look at him. It's like she's embarrassed. For what? Levi had no idea. Maybe because she isn't used to expressing her feelings like that, or admitting someone had hurt her. All Levi was sure of, was that Valentina didn't like being vulnerable. And right now, she was vulnerable. Which meant he was walking on eggshells right now.

Because Valentina wasn't stable. He had learned that by now. She's liking him one second, asking him out on a date, and then yelling and hitting him the next. She doesn't know what she wants and she's battling herself. And Levi's going to have to help her win that battle.

''How do I make this up to you?'' He sounded desperate, like being in a fight with her hurt him physically. He was desperate to make up.

She still hadn't looked up at him, but she shook her head at his question. The look on her face as she shook her head told him her answer hurt her just as much as it hurt him.

''I just want to be alone right now.'' She managed out.

She sounded exhausted- emotionally drained. And Levi knew keeping her with him now wasn't going to help his case. It would only make things worse, make her run the other way even faster.

''Okay.'' He agreed, reluctantly so.

She seemed relieved at his answer. Like she knew she didn't have it in her to fight him even more. Levi stepped back and Valentina didn't waste any time getting away from him. He heard her walk down the corridor, then he heard her bedroom door open and close.

He was alone again.

The pain of not having made up with her, still being in a fight with her, it hurt so bad. But he knew that they needed space- both needed that. What happened today, their fight, it wasn't normal. It was anything but.

He realized today that what he wanted from Valentina, that she showed him her real self, might have been more dangerous than he could have ever expected. When he begged her to show herself to him, he expected even more perfectness to show. Instead, he got a glimpse of just how imperfect she was.

And he loved her more for it.

And yet, he wasn't sure what to do right now. He liked her- loved her, even. That much, he was sure about. But what he's seen today, it was scary. And he began to understand why Valentina preferred not to have any feelings at all. Because when she did feel, she felt intensely.

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