Chapter five

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Valentina has made a promise to herself a long time ago that if she ever were to have a first date, she'd go wearing something casual and without any make-up on. But for some reason, she couldn't bring herself to do so.

For what seems like eternity, she has been standing over her bed, where her gaze shifted between a dark red dress and a pair of jeans and a top that she had thrown on her bed when the frustrations of the mental debate reached a peak.

For a moment she considered calling Kate, but then she remembered she's supposed to be angry at Kate for introducing her to Levi. A few mental debates later, she realized she was not going to be able to do this on her own. She needed a second opinion.

Asking Kate's help was out of the question. So Valentina went for her second best friend. She grabbed her phone from the charger and hit speed dial. With every passing second, Valentina lost an ounce of hope of her call being answered. It was saturday night after all. And with a second best friend who's even more of a party animal than Kate is, there was never much hope to begin with.

''Dom the Bomb speaking'' She heard Dominic's familiar voice slurr out from the other end of the call just as she was about to give up.

''Dominic, I need you to get to my place as soon as possible'' Valentina said, ignoring the Obvious signs of intoxication for the moment.

''Are you horny?'' He said, his voice suddenly more serious than she has ever heard him be.

''What? No!''

''Then no. I've got two chicks here wanting a piece of utter hotness that is me, and I am not going to let a once in a lifetime chance like this slip.''

''Dominic, you're married.'' Valentina deadpanned.

''Don't remind me.'' He grunted in response.

Valentina knew communicating with Dominic about his cheating ways was pointless, so she decided to let him be and focus on the problem at hand.

''Can you just come over?'' She asked, forcing the annoyance out of her voice. Another few silent moments passed before she heard him sigh.

''10 mins.'' He muttered before ending the call. A short lived victory dance followed as Valentina threw her phone onto her bed and went to get herself some white tea. She drank the tea quickly and just as she put the mug in the sink, she heard the front door open.

Instantly, she knew it was Dominic- as he, along with Kate, were the only ones with a spare key. Heavy footsteps approached the kitchen and she patiently waited for him to enter.

"Where's the fire?" He said, holding his hands up as to gesture around in a sarcastic way and a smug- and drunk- smirk in his face.

"In the bedroom." Valentina replied dryly. And with a curt nod towards the bedroom, she started making her way there.

"I like the sound of that." She heard him say. But like always, she didn't pay any attention to his advances.

It has been a good 7 years since she has met Dominic, and after 7 years of flirting with her- and 7 years of being rejected by her- he's still determined enough to try. She's got to hand it to him, the guy has got the persistence of a horny teenager.

Dominic didn't waste any time getting to her bed when they entered Valentina's bedroom. He sat down in between the two outfits layed out on the bed- or rather, half on top of one and half-shoving the other one to the side in silent frustration.

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