Chapter fifteen

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Valentina got up in a quick move, sending her chair flying backwards. She has had enough of this racist bullshit.

''First of all, I'm Sicilian, not Italian, and I'm not going to let someone that doesn't even know the difference between the two belittle me. So don't think for a second that I like you any more than you like me. Second, I did not come here to be insulted and belittled. And I certainly didn't come here to be discriminated. I am just as much an American citizen as you are, and I'm not going to let someone that speaks just one language belittle me because I speak two. I am more educated and succesfull than the four of you together, and the fact that I'm Sicilian does not change that. And thirdly, I don't give a damn if you like me or not. Because believe it or not, your son does, and it's the only thing that matters.''

Everyone stilled.

A certain tension floated in the air of the room as everybody waited in anticipation of what was going to happen next. Nobody spoke, all eyes were trained on her. They could not believe their eyes. Of course, in their world it's not common to speak your mind like that. Sneaky comments and dirty looks was the way to go in their world. But Valentina wasn't from their world, and never will be.

They should have known better than to test Valentina's patience. Because as much as she's succesfull and educated, she's still from the ghetto. And that's something that will always be a part of her personality. Agression and intimidation is the way to go in her world, never showing weakness and never letting someone knock you down a peg.

Valentina didn't wait for them to come to their senses. She didn't want to give them an opportunity to prolong this madness any more.

She turned away from them and exited the room without further ado. On her way out, she crossed Adela in the hallway, who had heard the whole thing. Adela followed her to the front door, letting her out. Adela was the only friendly face she had received that night.

It was when she the door shut behind her, and she faced the chilly evening breeze, that she realized that Levi was her ride. It did nothing to make the situation better. She had no choice but to walk. So, she ignored her stiletto clad painful feet as she took quick steps away from the house.

The gates that they passed through to enter the property were still open, thank God. Valentina would have had no idea what to do, where they closed. At this point, she'd probably have climbed them. Anything to get as far away from this family as possible.

She hugged her thin coat closer to her, telling herself that the situation wasn't so bad. She had stood up against a racist trophy wife, which basically compensated for the cold, her painful feet and the walk she's going to have to endure.

Valentina had never been in this neighbourhood before- surprise, surprise. So she had no idea where exactly to go- or where she was in the first place. Going back the way they had driven up here was the best dicision, she decided. She had memorized the way they came here, as she had busied herself watching through the window for the most part of the drive.

Roughly five minutes of walking along the road, she heard a car approach. She moved some more to the right of the road to make room for the car to pass her, but it never did.

Immediately, alarm bells started blaring in her head.

It was imprinted her head, that when a car drives slowly next to you, he's following you. Back in Sicily, when she had to work night shifts to help her parents make end's meet, she'd have to walk home at night alone. And whenever she'd hear a car approach her, she'd hold her breath, because it just might be the one that grabs her and who knows where she'd end up.

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