Chapter nine

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Saturday came around too quickly, much to Valentina's dismay. Just like last time, Levi didn't share much specifics regarding their date. But she figured that, like last time, 6 meant 7. So she didn't start getting ready untill a few minutes before 6. But then, at 6 o'clock right on the dot, the bell rang. Valentina retreated the mascara from her left eye, and for a brief moment it crossed her mind that it was Levi who was ringing the bell. That thought faded quickly when she remembered the last time they had agreed on a time.

She figured it was probably the neighbour, or Dominic, so she didn't worry about her hair being far from done her make-up halfly done and the shorts and sportsbra she was wearing.

You can imagine the shock on her face when she opened the door.

Levi was caught by surprise when he saw her being nowhere near ready, and like all his emotions, he wore the surprise on his face. But the surprise quickly reatreated from his face and a grin came in it's place. He liked how he was experiencing her when she wasn't perfect- when she was herself.

''Levi.'' She stated his name, anything but happy about his being there.

''Valentina.'' He nodded, ''Looking fabulous as always.'' He just couldn't not make a comment. Her face instantly scrunched up in an annoyed look, but she made no attempt to humour him with a response.

''I didn't think you'd be on time.'' She said, still partly hiding herself behind the frontdoor. It was mostly closed, so Levi couldn't peek inside her appartment. He was surprised at how disappointed he was with this.

''I can see that.'' He chuckled, ''I can wait.'' He gestured to her place, in a way to suggest he waited inside while she got ready. He could only hope she wouldn't refuse to invite him in, so he could see her place, after all. Surely, even she wouldn't be rude enough to make him wait outside, right?

''Uh- yeah, yeah.'' She stammered, seeming far from comfortable with this idea. But she knew it was her own fault for not being ready on time, so she was going to have to face the concequences. It's not like she's embarressed of her appartment- far from it. Her appartment was the one thing- beside her car- that she was proud of most. It's everything she has always dreamt of and it reminds her of how far she's come. But still, it's her appartment. It's the most personal thing ever, and shows more of her personality than anything else.

Reluctantly, and I say reluctantly, she let him in. Levi barely blinked as she led him through the corridor to her livingroom. Her appartment was.. barren. White walls, black furniture. There wasn't a real personal touch to it.

''You can wait here,'' She gestured to the sofa in the livingroom, still uncomfortable as hell, ''I'll be ready in a blink of an eye. I don't have a TV to entertain you with,'' She then said, somewhat straightening up and going back to the bitchy Valentina she's known to be.

It was only when she said it that Levi noticed that she didn't have a TV. He made a mental note to ask her about that later. He sat down on the sofa and she moved in his view, her perfect- and barely clothed- body fully on display. He could tell she wasn't insecure about her body- rightfully so- but he noticed a slight discomfort as she pulled her sportsbra down in an attempt to cover her perfect abdomen.

His eyes roamed down her body, taking it all in- untill she snapped her fingers in front of his face. His eyes shifted to her face, and man, did she look unpleased. She had caught him staring at her red handed and she did not appreciate the attention her body was getting.

''What?'' He asked, bewildered.

''I said, I don't have a TV to entertain you with, but I can get you something to drink?''

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